View Full Version : The PRINCIPLES of Ron Paul.

Menthol Patch
01-22-2008, 03:02 PM
I only support candidates with consistent PRINCIPLES like Ron Paul. He is a candidate who stands up for ALL your rights ALL the time without exception. Even on tough or controversial issues he refuses to compromise! He is NOT afraid to stand up for the TRUTH! For example...

1) He opposes the war on drugs and boldly states that they should be legalized because everyone has a right to control what they put into their own body.

2) He opposes violations of the first amendment, free speech zones, and internet censorship.

3) He opposes the Civil Rights Act because he realizes it violates the rights and freedoms of citizens.

4) He is boldly declares that Federal Reserve issues COUNTERFEIT money and is an unconstitutional and criminal cartel that is destroying our economy.

5) He opposes the IRS and declares the income tax as UNCONSTITUTIONAL and boldly states the 16th amendment should be repealed.

6) Unlike other candidates, he makes it clear we do not need to replace the income tax WITH ANYTHING if we brought our troops home, respected the constitution, and obeyed the 10th amendment.

7) He demands that our troops be brought home immediately because the war in Iraq is ILLEGAL because it was NOT DECLARED as required by the constitution.

8) He opposes any restrictions on gun ownership, opposes programs that violate the right of citizens such as the Patriot Act, and opposes any government program that would spy on citizens and violate their right to privacy.

9) He courageously openly states the CFR exists and there is indeed a globalist agenda to violate our sovereignty!

10) As a true patriot he absolutely opposes and condemns the plans for a North American Union! Unlike the other TRAITORS and CRIMINALS in our government he is NOT afraid of being called a conspiracy theorist by stating the TRUTH!


The above reasons are why I support Ron Paul. He understand the concepts of freedom, personal liberty, and national sovereignty, but most importantly he STANDS UP to defend them!

I REFUSE to support any candidate that is not EQUALLY as principled about each of the above issues.

I REFUSE to support any candidate that backs down from any of the above positions because they are too controversial, unpopular, or not politically expedient.

I REFUSE to support any candidate that does not have a documented track record that matches each of Ron Paul's positions.

To be blunt, Ron Paul defends our right to live our lives however we see fit while putting whatever we want into our bodies, earning a living free from the income tax, having relationships with whoever we see fit, speaking boldly about whatever we please, arming ourselves with whatever firearms we want, managing our property as we desire, and all while being free from government interference as long as we do not violate the rights of others!

Any other candidate who is not principled does NOT deserve our support or our votes. Remember, you can't be "somewhat" principled. You either are principled or you are not. Why? You either SUPPORT, DEFEND, and FIGHT for liberty or you do not!

Menthol Patch
01-22-2008, 03:04 PM