View Full Version : Overview of what I'm doing/suggestions

01-21-2008, 04:58 PM
How you guys doin, I'm in North Jersey and I just want to give an overview of some RP stuff i've been doing/seeing:

1) RP bumper sticker on a car by my high school
2) RP lawn sign
3)Rp bumper sticker
4) 3 RP huge signs on 23
5) RP sign on another highway

I have:

1) Put up a bumper stickers in/at:
A) St joes hospital
b) parking lot at maggie moos
C) parking lot in large mall
D) stop sign by my house
2) RP sign in my window ( my house is on a very main street off route 46)
3) RP sign at pathmark
4) RP signs at average size mall.


I have a lot of bumper stickers left to put up and it's really fun doing it.
I'll keep everyone posted.
But I made signs.
There really big and i don't really know where I should put them, any ideas?