View Full Version : Great Strategy to attract people to RP!

01-20-2008, 03:51 PM
Tell people he's on a RINO hunt and move to the RIGHT of the other candidates...which he is.

for instance:

Fred Thompson:
SUPPORTS: Kennedy-McCain amnesty
SUPPORTS: McCain Campaign finance reform
SUPPORTS: Trillion dollar pork-barrel nation building projects in Iraq and Afghanistan.
SUPPORTS: Affirmative Action
SUPPORTS: Chain migration
OPPOSES: Work place verification for illegal aliens

FACT: Three months ago Fred Thompson endorsed Comprehensive immigration reform but now claims he doesn’t

(Source Americans for Better Immigration)

OPPOSED: Bill Clinton Impeachment

HIRED: Spencer Abraham, open-borders crusader

MEMBERSHIP: Council on Foreign Relations

GRANTED: amnesty to Cubans and Nicaraguans

USED TO BE: Pro-choice

“However, when Fred Thompson was in the United States Senate, both times he ran for the Senate he ran as a pro-choice candidate. He was against the Republican pro-life plank in 1996, when I was out in San Diego fighting to keep it in the platform. And I think he has to explain much more persuasively than Mitt Romney did why it is that he is now a pro-life.” –Terry Jeffery

It has worked for me!