View Full Version : Establishment's Plan: Fred Thompson Tries to Co-Opt Ron Paul's Message

07-29-2007, 12:02 AM
This is a fascinating Orwellian read. Could have been written almost verbatim by Ron Paul.

The Framers drew their design for our Constitution from a basic understanding of human nature. From the wisdom of the ages and from fresh experience, they understood the better angels of our nature, and the less admirable qualities of human beings entrusted with power.

The Framers believed in free markets, rights of property and the rule of law, and they set these principles firmly in the Constitution. Above all, the Framers enshrined in our founding documents, and left to our care, the principle that rights come from our Creator and not from our government.

And then this classic:

Back in my days in the Senate, I found myself on the short end of a couple of 99 to 1 votes. They involved issues that had been under the purview of states for over 200 years. I asked why we should federalize what rightly were state and local issues.

Ah yes, Fred, those maverick years in the Senate when you mightily tried to stem the tide of federal spending with all those principled 99-1 votes, which I'm sure will check out. And your heroic 20-year lobbying career on either side of those Senate days, when you also worked tirelessly to rein in the wasteful ways of Washington.

Can winning really be this easy for RP?


07-29-2007, 12:15 AM
i've read a post by a guy who did the research

freddy was on the losing side of a single 1 to 99 vote

it was a non-binding resolution with zero relevance to federalism.

he may make ron pauls claims, but he doesn't even come remotely close to having a record that backs it up.

07-29-2007, 12:18 AM
I saw an interview with fred a few weeks ago. He was commenting on how the votes that he was proudest of, and there were three of them, where it was one (him) against the rest.

If he's proud of three and his supporters think that's great, I'm guessing RP would make their heads spin with glee.

He's got nothing original. The people will see through him.

07-29-2007, 12:18 AM
This really excites me, because it indicates to me that Thompson and his advisers think Paul, not Guiliani or Romney, is his real competition for the nomination. In fact, it makes me wonder if the GOP establishment has recruited Thompson into the race in some kind of back-door deal specifically to head off Ron Paul.

07-29-2007, 12:27 AM
This really excites me, because it indicates to me that Thompson and his advisers think Paul, not Guiliani or Romney, is his real competition for the nomination. In fact, it makes me wonder if the GOP establishment has recruited Thompson into the race in some kind of back-door deal specifically to head off Ron Paul.

Yes Harry, I agree completely. I have been very excited and agitated for the past half-hour since I first read that blog post of Thompson's.

Folks: the Republican frontrunner is making an absolutely pathetic, no-chance co-opting of Ron Paul's message virtually word for word. His career and record are so far from the values expressed in his newfound worldview that the tactic has no chance at all of working. None.

We're going to win. :)

07-29-2007, 12:29 AM
As long as the American people wake up and educate themselves on what is real vs/ what is fake, and they then stand behind Ron Paul, we can not be stopped.

Remember that. It's up to the public to be educated, and the old media isn't going to do that for us, lol.

It's up to us, the people, and what we do. With that, full force, we can really win this thing. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, all need to put their differences aside... and stand behind one man.

Ron Paul.

07-29-2007, 12:46 AM
I wanted to read the comments, but alas...

"You must be a Friend of Fred to view or post comments"

I think not

07-29-2007, 12:53 AM
The bad thing for us is that most GOPer WANT to believe him, whether or not he is factually right is secondary to many.

07-29-2007, 01:14 AM
I looked there, and all 93 comments believe him, and sack ride him

I replied with

Great job stealing a bunch of Ron Paul’s ideas, who actually has the record to back them up. Anyone with half a brain cell, will look up your voting record, and will realize that you may talk the talk…but you certainly do not walk the walk. Just because you say you are a true conservative…does not make it so. YOU SIR ARE A FRAUD.

I will let other people do the rest of the research, but from what I could find, you only had a 99 to 1 vote, on a single issue which was a non-binding resolution with zero relevance to federalism. Now apparently there were 2 other 99 to 1 votes, which would bring a total to 3. Pretty sad for someone who claims to be a federalist. Ron Paul on the other hand…has HUNDREDS of votes where he is the only person voting against the bill. That is why he is called Dr. No on capital hill.

HERE IS A CHALLENGE TO ALL YOU THOMPSON SUPPORTERS…FIND HIS VOTING RECORD…AND SEE EXACTLY WHAT HE BELIEVES. Don’t be fooled by another “red truck” gimmick.[for those who don’t know what that is…when Thompson ran for senate, he would show up in a red pickup to rallies, then leave, drive 1 block, and get into his luxury car]

For more dirt like that…go here:

And like I said…I urge you to research your candidate’s voting record to see exactly what the person believes, instead of campaign promises the person will never keep.

Hopefully it'll get a few of those people to look at the guy's record

07-29-2007, 02:28 AM
I think the Establishment is floating Fred Thompson thru the Iowa Straw poll. If he has traction they will push him. If not they will bring in Newt Gingrich. They may use both to hog up the media attention then most of their candidates will drop out just before Super Tuesday.

07-29-2007, 02:35 AM
I looked there, and all 93 comments believe him, and sack ride him

I replied with

Hopefully it'll get a few of those people to look at the guy's record

snap. I love it.

07-29-2007, 03:01 AM
I screenshotted the pro-RP replies in case they get deleted.