View Full Version : My Ideal Superbowl Commercial

01-20-2008, 03:24 AM
Me and a friend were just talking about the superbowl and how cool it would be if RP had a commercial that appealed to the football crowd. Its far-fetched, but I thought i'd post it anyway. Yes, I know that superbowl commercials cost something like 1.5 mil just for 30 seconds, but there's no harm in a little wishful thinking =)

Two teams are at the line. One in red, white, and blue and the other in black with white lettering across the front and back of each player's jersey. The red, white, and blue team has the ball. The ball is snapped and handed off to a running back, whose jersey says "Liberty" and who is receiving blocking from a player whose jersey says "Ron Paul" (in the ideal world where our candidate isn't a 72 year old guy, Ron Paul himself, haha). The "Ron Paul" guy knocks down a player whose jersey says "Patriot Act", clotheslines a guy whose jersey says "IRS", and then plows over a guy whose jersey says "Iraq War" and then "Liberty" runs it in for a TD.

Cut to:
Protecting Your Liberty

and perhaps even throw Ron Paul himself somewhere in there. He needs to show that youthfulness we all know he has.

01-20-2008, 03:30 AM
lol that would be cool....or one where you got the feds standing there and they get plowed over by 100000 rp supporters runnin for the liberty in zone......

01-20-2008, 03:52 AM
this has been brought up a million times
would it be awesome? yes, cost effective? NO
please use the search function before you start new threads

01-20-2008, 04:43 AM
With the Ron Paul blimp in the backround too. Yeah that would be cool.