View Full Version : The REASON why the MSM is doing what it is doing....

01-19-2008, 05:51 PM
We all like to talk about the ignorance, the shut out and the bias toward Ron Paul.

I want you to take a minute think this way about the debates and the coverage and look a bit deeper.

The MSM is into CONTROL (duh), that we can all agree on, and so then how do they assert their control?

The questions asked of the candidates OTHER than Dr. Paul are designed not to get their message out, but rather to ascertain which candidate the MSM can best control.

First it was the Ghoul, then it changed to Romney/ McCain, then Huckster and now back to Romney.

The MSM is testing the waters with each candidate to see who will best pander to their reporting and need for control of the issues.

It goes something like this:

The MSM will put out a snipit of a candidate that is perhaps damaging or critial,

Then they will watch to see if the candidate defends themselves or kowtows to their story and tries to spin it positive.

If the candidate tries to spin it, then at a debate they will ask him for clarification..if he again shows he bows down and promotes the point the MSM wanted him to the MSM will then begin to promote him as they have proven they can control his direction to their needs.

Such as if the MSM executives want to promote more of the war and they feel Romney isn't warmongering enough, they will run a story about Romney not supporting some facet of the war, then if Romney begins to promote the war and his stance on it, he is rewarded with more coverage....

See how this works?

They ALL know the "GAME"...yes even our good Doctor.

BUT the MSM knows that Ron will never back down and will never follow their leading of him, so the questions of him and you all have seen it are designed to marginalize his input and penalize him for his lack of respect to the media.

If Ron followed any carrots the MSM placed in front of him he would get more media coverage....but he wont and thats why he WILL WIN!!