View Full Version : We can win the nomination.

01-19-2008, 03:59 PM
What Nevada is showing us is that money does make a difference. If Ron Paul consistently top 2s in the super tuesday states, he could certainly win the most delegates. Ron and Mitt seem to be the only ones with $$.

01-19-2008, 04:01 PM
I wish we had raised more money instead of arguing the last 2 weeks :(

01-19-2008, 04:09 PM
I wish we had raised more money instead of arguing the last 2 weeks :(

There is more to the Ron Paul rEVOLution than ronpaulforums. People have been out canvassing, spending their money on materials instead of donating, while the 1st Q donations have been disappointing, the results are still coming in, the people are still waking up. What we have that other candidates lack goes much deeper than campaign donations. As all candidates run out of money the responsibility of spreading the message is handed off to the grassroots, and who has the best grassroots? WE DO. Now, you can point to all the forum threads you want, but what I see in my daily life is a revitalized grass roots that are out canvassing, calling, and waking up our country. The more the media shuts us out, the more resolve we find. For the grassroots as a whole, I feel Q4 was about money and this first quarter is about action. I know that in my area we are having a march tomorrow that will have more than twice the amount of people attending than we did for the New Year's Eve march. That's real progress. 2nd place in Nevada is real progress.
Don't be fooled by this forum, the rEVOLution is much bigger than the 1000 people or so posting on the forum right now.

01-19-2008, 04:13 PM

Raise money, be Precinct Leaders, and we win

Menthol Patch
01-19-2008, 04:15 PM
Of course we can win the nomination!

But to win the campaign needs a new INFLUX of funds that they can use towards Super Tuesday!

We MUST make the MLK money bomb on Monday HUGE!