View Full Version : King's supporters vs Paul's supporters; an observation

01-18-2008, 05:38 AM
So I was watching these videos promoting the money bomb, and couldn't help but notice that people marching with Dr. King were for the most part clean cut and wearing a suit, or, at the minimal, a collard shirt and tie.

Then you watch a video of Paul's supporters, and those of us who aren't dressed up as V for Vendetta, or an old colonial action figure, are dressed like somebody woke us up out of bed and dragged us to a rally.



01-18-2008, 05:41 AM
So I was watching these videos promoting the money bomb, and couldn't help but notice that people marching with Dr. King were for the most part clean cut and wearing a suit, or, at the minimal, a collard shirt and tie.

Then you watch a video of Paul's supporters, and those of us who aren't dressed up as V for Vendetta, or an old colonial action figure, are dressed like somebody woke us up out of bed and dragged us to a rally.


As much as I agree with you, that's gonna be the response you're gonna get.

There was a post after the NH Primary that was full of sarcasm on how to dress/look/act and people threw a hissy fit over it.

01-18-2008, 05:44 AM
Yeah, I saw that.

We can't win this thing by stealing 5%-15% of the "hip" young democrats and independents. We can only win this thing by gaining the support of Republicans, many of whom, are old people.

01-18-2008, 05:46 AM
Yeah, I saw that.

We can't win this thing by stealing 5%-15% of the "hip" young democrats and independents. We can only win this thing by gaining the support of Republicans, many of whom, are old people.


Many people fail to understand that we won't get the Republican nomination if we don't get the Republican vote.

01-18-2008, 05:51 AM
Yes, weara tie or at least a button up shirt when canvassing. It makes a good impression; sad but true. Do it for the movement!

01-18-2008, 06:42 AM
I am a Precinct Captain and this is great advice. I canvassed twice, once in a pullover sports jacket and once with a shirt/tie and a dress coat. I got 3 times better responses with the suit/tie. One more thing, make sure to be showered and shaved, conservative Republicans can't stand scruffy or smelly.

01-18-2008, 06:58 AM
So I was watching these videos promoting the money bomb, and couldn't help but notice that people marching with Dr. King were for the most part clean cut and wearing a suit, or, at the minimal, a collard shirt and tie.

Then you watch a video of Paul's supporters, and those of us who aren't dressed up as V for Vendetta, or an old colonial action figure, are dressed like somebody woke us up out of bed and dragged us to a rally.



What a frigging canard. This was an entirely different era with a different style of daily dress. Perhaps we should get into tuxedos and tophats..They were in 100 years ago instead of 60.

Revolutionary era, antique WWII era custom Italian suits or modern I bet I outdress anybody on this thread with my threads.. But really..unless yer gonna buy people a wardrobe then STFU... Simple.. You have no business in others dressing preferences.


01-18-2008, 07:01 AM
Yeah, I saw that.

We can't win this thing by stealing 5%-15% of the "hip" young democrats and independents. We can only win this thing by gaining the support of Republicans, many of whom, are old people.

When in old fogie land do as the old fogies do. However you suggest everywhere is old fogie land and it ain't that way in this neck of the woods and many, many, many other necks of the woods. So..why attempt to address the whole grassroots to dress for old fogies when many are not in old fogie land.. I am 50 so..I ain't captain spring chicken frat boy yakking it up either.


01-18-2008, 07:13 AM
tell me how you really feel.

01-18-2008, 07:21 AM
i recently called an old friend to talk politics (chance to convert). i told him that i am for ron paul and he said, "the only thing i know about him is that all the supporters i have seen look like bums and hippies, hanging up homemade signs. whats up with that?"

impressions do make a difference, especially to the older age groups. anyway, the good part of the story is that i told him paul's stances, he said he would do some searching on the internet. i just got an email from him yesterday saying and i quote:

OK, so you're selling me. I've dinked around on Paul's site and on the surface, he looks pretty legit. The biggest selling point is what you said about *all* the candidates heading in the same direction, just at different rates. Paul seems to be the only one that's doing something totally different. I would have no problem voting for him in the primary. Even in the case that he doesn't win (which I doubt he will in AZ), I would like to see his % of the popular higher. So for the time being, you've sold me... I'm working on selling Brooke (his wife).

01-18-2008, 07:36 AM
tell me how you really feel.

Heh.. Many folks have been sayng this to me lately. Must be Americans aren't used to telling people how they really feel..just what they wanna hear.


01-18-2008, 08:05 AM
Ahhh if there was ever a downside to capturing the politically apathetic vote. They have no idea how politics work. Good post.