View Full Version : Mission: Ron Paul #1 on google for "President of the United States of America"

01-17-2008, 05:04 PM
Hi everyone,

Glad to see that there is a great forum going that supports Ron Paul. I am not much of a political type, but then again the way I see it is that Ron Paul is not political either. He is an Honest man that knows what he is talking about. So I want to do my part in helping him become the next "President of the United States of America".

That is why I think we should get him to the top of the search engines for that search phrase. Once we do this, it could get a little buzz from the media. The fact that "those people on the fringe" made Ron Paul #1 for "President of the United States of America" on Google.

What do you guys think, Basically what we would have to do is all agree what the best site would be to do this for and we would all start linking to it with "President of the United States of America" as the anchor text or the text that is highlighted.

Make your thoughts know.

Rock n Roll

01-17-2008, 05:08 PM
Google bombing used to work. I don't know if it does now.

ronpaul2008.com should be the target. Maybe because the rp2008 site does include those keywords in some abundance, it will work. I'm not sure exactly how google changed to combat google bombing.

01-17-2008, 05:11 PM
When was the last time you typed "President of the United States of America" into Google?

I'm guessing that your audience here would be largely 3rd graders doing reports for school.

01-17-2008, 05:13 PM
When was the last time you typed "President of the United States of America" into Google?

I'm guessing that your audience here would be largely 3rd graders doing reports for school.

That is not necessarily a bad thing. Get to them while their young. :)

01-17-2008, 05:14 PM
Good idea, maybe just shorten it to "President" though...

01-17-2008, 05:29 PM
What about "presidential candidates" that gets a good deal of traffic and will get more as the elections come closer. That is the perfect target market...

Linking works for sure... Its how the search engines work, I was playing around with a misspelling last week that gets decent traffic and I was able to get #4 of google in about a day.

Search "presidential canidates" The Google Video that is showing at number 2 is the one that I did by myself. i figure if we get people from all over we can target something a little better. I dont think "President" is going to work because the white house site has that and they are PR 10 .

Actually, an even better idea is not to target that term with just one page, but take over the entire top 10 or more spots on google for "presidential candidates"

It can be done and I can show everyone what needs to be done.

Your thoughts?

Rock n Roll

01-17-2008, 05:37 PM
well if you search "president 2008", Dr Paul is 3rd on the list, just ahead of Christopher Walken

01-17-2008, 05:41 PM
"presidential candidates" gets ~4,167 clicks a day for #1 position President 2008 does not get much traffic at all.

any other thoughts?


01-17-2008, 05:42 PM
I can get number 1 in a day if I want to, it depends on the search terms.

I got number 1 in a day for Pizza Morehead and Subs Morehead for my brother's pizza joint. (subs morehead still number 1, pizza morehead disappeared from results. Google in the middle of an update I suppose)

But popular search terms are another story. When you have 17 million sites competing for top placement, you have to stand out.

It used to be that lotsa of links did the trick but when bloggers google bombed the term "asshole" or something like that to bring up the white house home page as number one result, google changed the way they weigh links and the link text.

I'm not saying it won't work, I just don't know if it will. The hope is that since rp2008 contains the words we are going to use, it will work.