View Full Version : STAND UP AND PROTEST: All Media Blackout Channels

01-16-2008, 01:04 PM
What do you think would be the effect if we ALL began to STAND UP and PROTEST the media blackout of Ron Paul? By this I mean to have organized protests outside of every Fox Station in the country and every like-minded media channel. At 8pm every night a group of protestors could stand outside the buildings passively requesting Fairness. When Rudy hits the front page one day, Romney the next, then Ron Paul should be there as well. It doesn't matter what they say about him, we are only demanding that the powers the be quick kicking sand in our faces and making a mockery out of our right to be heard and our right to vote. Every day until we get the fairness we deserve. And, to make it better, we FILM it and put the protests in the internet.

Listen, WE own the internet, and until WE understand that WE have to STAND UP, not speak up, we will not have taken ownership of our power. When we come together to realize this, we will soon realize that our control of the superhighway is a much more formidable force than that of the crooked mainstream media.

01-16-2008, 01:04 PM
It just means we're winning.

01-16-2008, 01:06 PM
When and where?

01-16-2008, 01:11 PM
When and where?

Our ability to be heard and recognized will only happen when we use the internet as OUR MEDIA CHANNEL. Protests must be peaceful, and when a Fox report comes out to interview the organizer have your cameras ready as well. Give them a question, tell them all we want is FAIRNESS, and then you ask a question:

Will you give us FAIR and BALANCED coverage from here? That means in media space, time, and placement? If the reporter says they do not have the authority, then tell them to come back the next night and bring someone who does.

Only two questions need to be answered - just as outlined above. One for them, and one for us, and make sure to have OUR cameras there as well. It's time to turn the cameras around on them and make them be the fools for not practicing what they preach. FAIR and BALANCED.

Put daily videos of each and ever precinct across the country, and soon enough our voice will be heard and we will be respected, and in addition, WE will have the internet.

The internet is OUR MEDIA - let's make it WORK!

01-16-2008, 03:17 PM
It just means we're winning.

While I was out canvassing for Ron Paul, I would ask the question,"Have you heard of Ron Paul?". And whenever the answer was "no" I would tell them that the reason for that is because his opposition does not want his message to get out to the public and they have orchestrated a blackout of him.

I always enjoyed seeing their eyebrows raise, or their heads jerk up, or they stand a little straighter, and you know that you have their attention.

I let them know that because of his clean record, they can't dig up any dirt on him so they have to take bits and pieces out of context from Newsletters written by someone other than RP, written decades ago, and spin them to where there is no truth in it.

Then I laugh and say the only other thing they can come up with, is that he has earmarked moneys, from legislation that has passed the senate and house, even though Ron Paul voted against it, for his constituents in his congressional district.
THAT IS HIS JOB. But they try to make it look like he is lying about cutting back spending and big government. Cripes.

Once I have their attention, I give them the literature and dvds and ask them to look him up on the internet, and then I have to get off my soap box and get on to the next one.

Lisa S
01-16-2008, 03:31 PM
Maybe, Ron needs an ad something to the affect of What is my message that Washington is trying to silence? Is it that I will bring all the troops home immediately, secure our broken borders and put troops on our border, stop this runaway spending, and restore civil rights back to the people and constitutional rights back to the state and cut off the influence that corporations have in the influence of policy decisions in washington, and stop the IRS from taking your hard earned money. Something to that affect. I think he needs bolder ads stating what he will do for the American people.

01-16-2008, 03:36 PM
Maybe, Ron needs an ad something to the affect of What is my message that Washington is trying to silence? Is it that I will bring all the troops home immediately, secure our broken borders and put troops on our border, stop this runaway spending, and restore civil rights back to the people and constitutional rights back to the state and cut off the influence that corporations have in the influence of policy decisions in washington, and stop the IRS from taking your hard earned money. Something to that affect. I think he needs bolder ads stating what he will do for the American people.

I like this idea!

Not only does it present his positions, but it also makes people wonder why exactly they don't know who this man is!