View Full Version : Monkey business in Michigan?

01-16-2008, 09:27 AM

Also my friend in SE Michigan sent me this

Do you smell something fishy about yesterday's primary? I sure do. I know my precinct (if not my city) uses Diebold ballot counting boxes. I have seen tons of Ron Paul signs up all over the place, yet in my precinct, he only got 4 votes! Also, Rummy, I mean Romney, won on the Republican side, and of course, Hitlery, I mean Hillary, won on the Democrat's side (not that our state counts as far as the Dumocratic National Commies are concerned). I suppose it helps that your father was Governor of Michigan (Romney) or that the other Democratic frontrunners weren't on the ballot (Clinton). I hope that the Hon. Dr. Paul starts standing up for honest elections, and against these rigged election machines. Otherwise, it's another Clinton in the White House, and business as usual! RON PAUL, OR REVOLUTION!!!!!! Take care, and God bless.

In Christ,

Lord Xar
01-16-2008, 09:36 AM
well, why doesn't this guy get signatures from people with more than "4" votes... and do this TODAY.... then report it immediately to everyone.

I mean, if there are SIGNS all over the place - he should go and get affadvits from poeple real quick and see how many he gets..

DO THIS NOW.. contact him back.

01-16-2008, 09:58 AM
People need to stop whining about vote fraud. Go get those affidavits that more than four people voted for Ron Paul or just shut up. Do something about it besides putting your fingers on a keyboard or stop complaining.

01-16-2008, 10:26 AM
I suggested he survey his neighborhood for RP signs and see if he can find four supporters to sign affidavits.

01-16-2008, 10:50 AM
I suggested he survey his neighborhood for RP signs and see if he can find four supporters to sign affidavits.

Is there a meet-up group located in this precinct? Certainly they would be able to verify that they voted.

01-16-2008, 01:01 PM
I contacted the Macomb Co. Meetup Coordinator. We'll see if this goes anywhere.

01-16-2008, 01:44 PM
Were the signs in peoples front yards or just, about town along roadsides?

My husand and I make up two voters, yet put out 120 lawn signs and 50 telephone post signs alone around my area.

Judging voters by signage in an area can be very misleading.:D

If they are in yards on private property, you know where to go get the afadavits signed.

01-16-2008, 02:16 PM
I think Ron Paul people are more likely to have signs than Rudy McRomneyson people.
Remember that Dr. Paul had the most signs in New Hampshire.