View Full Version : Marxist!

01-16-2008, 08:36 AM
My geography professor is a self proclaimed Marxist.

He stated that Capitalism is the greatest creator of poverty. When should I ask about the Khmer Rouge?

His favorite example (mind you this is the 2nd day of class) is that the West's fascination with Frog Legs in the 70s created famine and pestilence in Bangladesh. Most farmers quit growing crops to instead capitalize on the profit from frogs, which lead to less frogs and more insects. Which in turn ate the crops that were planted and the mosquito population increased spreading disease.

I wonder if there were pricing controls on the crops? Why could the newly prosperous farmers not import food?

01-16-2008, 08:45 AM
My geography professor is a self proclaimed Marxist.

He stated that Capitalism is the greatest creator of poverty. When should I ask about the Khmer Rouge?

His favorite example (mind you this is the 2nd day of class) is that the West's fascination with Frog Legs in the 70s created famine and pestilence in Bangladesh. Most farmers quit growing crops to instead capitalize on the profit from frogs, which lead to less frogs and more insects. Which in turn ate the crops that were planted and the mosquito population increased spreading disease.

I wonder if there were pricing controls on the crops? Why could the newly prosperous farmers not import food?

Just ask him how well russia did, but if hes a marxist he should have a bright future in america.

Truth Warrior
01-16-2008, 08:49 AM
At least he's only teaching geography and not economics. :D

01-16-2008, 09:04 AM
Ask him have our entitlement programs grown or shrunk? Does welfarism cure or create poverty?
What would a minimum wage of $10,000 an hour do? Would it make everyone rich? In a marxist society... one without property... where is the incentive to out do the other person....? what are the rewards for putting in 50+ hours while your comrade only put in 10?

01-16-2008, 09:06 AM
This great capitalism americans are proud of has led to americans having an average savings of minus 2% .. The people are in the red..

If the people don't have the money, guess who does.. The world bankers do, the people who control the CFR, which in turn controls the US government.. .. The Rothschild banking family has $500 Trillion alone, enough to buy the United States many times over.. .. That doesn't include the other banking families like Rockefeller who has over $100 Trillion.. These bankers own well over 80% of the worlds wealth..

The reasons we went into Afghanistan and Iraq was because they were 2 of 6 countries in the world that didn't occupy their world banking system.. They put their world central banks in those countries in 2003 and 2004 respectively to control those people, like their federal reserve they created controls american citizens.. .. They also wanted to raid their oil because these bankers own oil companies.. Rothschild owns Shell oil and Rockefeller owns Exxon oil etc etc .,,

Moreover, only Iran, Cuba. North Korea and Syria do not have their banks at this moment.. And guess what, I hope you guys can figure out why these 4 countries are considered enemies of the United States.. It's not because of terrorism or any other reason they propagandize the media with.. Iran is targetted next because there are alot of wealthy people there and they want to control their banking system.. And Iran is the 2nd largest oil producer in the region.. There's your reasons for the threats Bush made to Iran a couple of days ago..

There's capitalism folks.. The people are minus 2% in savings.. The banks own your cars, homes via mortgages, your credit card debts etc-- all of which are at an all-time high if you noticed... People buy crap they don't need with their credit cards because the media they control tell you that YOU NEED THOSE THINGS.. They have imbedded it in your mind and made it a part of culture.. Even though you can't afford it, so they get richer while the people are sitting in the negative more and more (in the red)...

There's your economics class for today.. And your great capitalism.. It's no different than Marxism when you look at it in the big picture and with the proper perspective..


01-16-2008, 09:08 AM
Just start laughing out loud when he's making particularly stupid statements. If he asks why just say you think it's funny that there are still communists in the USA even though there aren't any left in Russia and China.

01-16-2008, 09:37 AM
This great capitalism americans are proud of has led to americans having an average savings of minus 2% .. The people are in the red..

If the people don't have the money, guess who does.. The world bankers do, the people who control the CFR, which in turn controls the US government.. .. The Rothschild banking family has $500 Trillion alone, enough to buy the United States many times over.. .. That doesn't include the other banking families like Rockefeller who has over $100 Trillion.. These bankers own well over 80% of the worlds wealth..

The reasons we went into Afghanistan and Iraq was because they were 2 of 6 countries in the world that didn't occupy their world banking system.. They put their world central banks in those countries in 2003 and 2004 respectively to control those people, like their federal reserve they created controls american citizens.. .. They also wanted to raid their oil because these bankers own oil companies.. Rothschild owns Shell oil and Rockefeller owns Exxon oil etc etc .,,

Moreover, only Iran, Cuba. North Korea and Syria do not have their banks at this moment.. And guess what, I hope you guys can figure out why these 4 countries are considered enemies of the United States.. It's not because of terrorism or any other reason they propagandize the media with.. Iran is targetted next because there are alot of wealthy people there and they want to control their banking system.. And Iran is the 2nd largest oil producer in the region.. There's your reasons for the threats Bush made to Iran a couple of days ago..

There's capitalism folks.. The people are minus 2% in savings.. The banks own your cars, homes via mortgages, your credit card debts etc-- all of which are at an all-time high if you noticed... People buy crap they don't need with their credit cards because the media they control tell you that YOU NEED THOSE THINGS.. They have imbedded it in your mind and made it a part of culture.. Even though you can't afford it, so they get richer while the people are sitting in the negative more and more (in the red)...

There's your economics class for today.. And your great capitalism.. It's no different than Marxism when you look at it in the big picture and with the proper perspective...

You are describing corporatism - the modern day mercantilism in which government and business align themselves to monopolize financial and industrial markets. Mussolini called it fascism. It is anti-liberty, and is the very antithesis of free market capitalism.

The negative savings rates in the West are due to inflationary policies on the part of central banks (note - government granted monopolization of money supplys). Easy credit and monetary expansion assault not only the value of people's savings, but upset normal time preference scales through the manipulation of interest rates (a form of price fixing), which, in the long run, induce more consumer spending, borrowing, and subsequent debt.

Free market economists call for the end of this system. They advocate freeing the banking structure from govenrment meddling which props up disastrous lending policy and makes banks perpetually insolvent. The concentrations of wealth that we see in financial sectors is the product of politically connected groups enjoying privilege from government inflation and protection from true competition.

EDIT: Here is an example of what I'm talking about, courtesy of James Ostrowski over at LRC. This is Mitt Romney's victory speech, just given last night:

Of course, taking off those burdens is only part of the solution. If we're going to be the world's greatest economic power, we also have to invest in the future. It's time for us to be bold. I will make a five-fold increase – from $4 billion to $20 billion – in our national investment in energy research, fuel technology, materials science, and automotive technology. Let's invest in our future.

As you know, research spins out new ideas for new products, from both small businesses and large businesses. That's exactly what's happened in healthcare. We spend what $30 billion a year in NIH, and we lead the world in healthcare products. In defense, we spend even more. We lead the world in defense products. We also spend money in the space industry. And we lead the world in products coming out of space. Look how industries in these other states that have those advantages that thrive from the spin of other technologies, from our investment there. So if we can invest in healthcare, and defense, and space, why not also invest in energy and fuel technology right here in Michigan?

Michigan can be a laboratory, just like other states – a drawing board, from which we can invent the future.

Second, we'll turn government workforce training programs that are managed by bureaucrats, into personal accounts that can be managed by the workers themselves so they can gain education at community college or they can pay for on-the-job training in real jobs.

These words make any advocate of free market capitalism cringe.

01-16-2008, 09:39 AM
Ask him if he misses the padded walls and when does his next prescription come in.

01-16-2008, 09:42 AM
You are describing corporatism - the modern day mercantilism in which government and business align themselves to monopolize financial and industrial markets. Mussolini called it fascism. It is anti-liberty, and is the very antithesis of free market capitalism.

The negative savings rates in the West are due to inflationary policies on the part of central banks (note - government granted monopolization of money supplys). Easy credit and monetary expansion assault not only the value of people's savings, but upset normal time preference scales through the manipulation of interest rates (a form of price fixing), which, in the long run, induce more consumer spending, borrowing, and subsequent debt.

Free market economists call for the end of this system. They advocate freeing the banking structure from govenrment meddling which props up disastrous lending policy and makes banks perpetually insolvent. The concentrations of wealth that we see in financial sectors is the product of politically connected groups enjoying privilege from government inflation and protection from true competition.

Exactly.. Very well put.. My post was more about how these bankers use capitalism to use us.. It was these world bankers afterall who created credit, credit cards and easy credit-- to put the people in more debt and put more of a burden on us..

And don't forget it is these same world bankers who control the media.. The world banking family the Rothschilds own both the Associated Press as well as Reuters news- the 2 largest media outlets in the world.. They use their own media to brainwash us that we need this and we need that-- when the truth is we don't need those expensive things to survive and to have a happy life..
