View Full Version : BRILLIANT ADS/FLYERS Which OUGHT be USED across this COUNTRY

Scott Wilson
01-15-2008, 08:44 PM
.....bla bla bla

90% of the people read the headlines and NOTHING ELSE. Simplest way to notice this is to make the ad REALLY SMALL... so that the "body text" and captions become unreadable.

Knowing this is VERY important if you are designing newspaper ads, inserts, or simple flyers... Hence the following:

...and have finished work on a New Website based on a new "Man of Common Sense" theme (which works with '76 Revolution and Constitution concepts AS WELL as in just plain English w/o the historical reference) for expanded grassroots

http://www.manofcommonsense.com/CommonSense/images/CS_Banner_400-70.png (http://www.manofcommonsense.com/)

http://www.manofcommonsense.com/CommonSense/images/ManOfCS_ALL_R10_P1_170wDS.png The first -- "Did You STOP Voting?" -- is aimed at the classic "apathetic voter" (the houses you are otherwise going right past when you do standard voter-list canvassing). This ad is SPECIFICALLY designed to use a style of advertising that has been VERY successful over the years.

http://www.manofcommonsense.com/CommonSense/images/ManOfCS_ALL_R10_P2_170wDS.png The second -- "Common Sense -- Accountability" -- is a more "general voter" piece. This ad is uses a similar style of advertising to the first. The SOLID BLACK with the statements at the top is the "stunner" and sets the reader up with the fact that Common Sense = Accountability (and plays to the current environment, whether the voter is a Democrat OR a Republican does NOT matter).

Goal of both flyers is to subtly IMPLANT into people's heads VIRTUALLY ALL that "superficial voters" need to know to make them WANT to vote for Ron Paul, THE candidate of COMMON SENSE.

Versions are available with SPECIFIC Primary dates for the upcoming primaries (NV & SC through end of February) -- with a separate "NO DATE" version for use elsewhere.

Note that this is hosted on the same server as my InfiniteRonPaul service... which many of you are already familiar with.
http://www.infiniteronpaul.com/IRP.png (http://www.infiniteronpaul.com/)

I really think we need to run these ads in newspapers and stick them on notice boards everywhere. I created a topic a little while back on how we had to do blunt advertising. These ads are much better than what I cam up with. We need to run ads like this across the country. Check out the site linked and read the strategy. This really could turn things around.


Scott Wilson
01-15-2008, 09:10 PM

01-15-2008, 09:25 PM
Every meetup group with upcoming primaries needs to start running these. This could really have a great positive effect.

01-15-2008, 09:34 PM
These advertisements are common sense. Very good message.