View Full Version : *MLK Day for Ron Paul Now Playing www.FreeAtLast2008.com*

Jamsie 567
01-14-2008, 09:43 PM

A special thank you to the surpise guests in the video.

Ron Paul Blimp
Ron Paul Limo
Ron Paul Supporters
Oh and don't forget RON PAUL! :)



01-14-2008, 09:46 PM
I don't like donating but I like giving on money bomb days...call me a sucker.

01-14-2008, 09:58 PM
If I could make youtube videos, it should be kinda like video, which I love (click here). (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4aDVF5bGqE)

01-14-2008, 10:09 PM
Name Recognition is good but rather than the conventional "Ron Paul" signs everywhere...maybe its a good idea to try to make them original. I mean all the other signs for the other candidates run on the same concept, just different names "Hillary Clinton", "Obama"... Maybe if we could at least state a reason why it should be "Ron Paul", perhaps a concise version of each of Ron Paul's message. It would seem more convincing, effective, and fruitful in attracting those who don't really know what Ron Paul stands for - presumably the viewer, by passers...etc

One liners like:

Vote for Truth: Ron Paul

I am a Born-Again Republican. I Vote Ron Paul (although controversial in strong Democratic regions)

What would George Washington do? Vote Ron Paul.

Someone in another thread suggested "Armed Neutrality" which is great to use:

I am for Armed Neutrality. I am for Ron Paul

Im working on making relevant graphics for these, and ill gladly create ones for your ideas if you post them....

Everyone can then have them printed at the local Kinko/Staples...etc for use

01-14-2008, 10:11 PM
time to make MLK day BIG