View Full Version : We hold these truths to be self-evident. O'RLY?

01-14-2008, 10:52 AM
Our involvement in the Middle East has always been about oil and protecting Israel, our only real ally there. We need to protect the oil because the value of our dollar is heavily tied to the cost of crude since that's what it is usually priced in.

In 2002, Saddam Hussein announced that he was going to start selling Iraqi oil in Euros. Iran's oil gambit - and potential affront to the US | csmonitor.com (http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0830/p03s01-wome.html)

It may have been spite for the trouble we caused them in 1991, it may have been because of the climbing value of the euro, who knows? That signaled a major change for the Americans because that would cause immediate deflation of our currency. Think Mexican peso.

So, we all know that GWBush had plans to take out Saddam before 9/11. That became a real possibilty if they could trump up charges against Saddam to the American people. Enter the Office of Special Plans headed by Douglas Feith [sic?]. They looked over all the evidence they had. They picked and chose what they could best sell as fact to the American public and the world community. That's why when we went in in 2003, we had a true coalition of the willing. We didn't develop the plans we should have to maintain Iraqi society after the invasion and we're paying for that now. But we can't let go of the oil fields unless, wait for it...we eliminate the Federal Reserve and allow other currencies to compete giving Americans a real choice in how to spend their money.

So just yesterday, Bush is touring the middle East and thumping his chest in Iran's direction even talking about tactical nuclear strikes against them. Why? Because Iran still wants to trade their oil for the higher valued euro. Bloomberg.com: India & Pakistan (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601091&sid=aPcvedj0I.FU&refer=india)

If they drop our currency for trading oil, America will be done. That's why we love the Saudis. That's why we do the things we do. But the American public can't know the real reason. So we find the one thing that does drive support for American intervention - self-preservation from terrorists.

Yes, the Council on Foreign Relations is real. They are not some clandestine group working for a global government. However, they support maintaining the same direction that we have taken for so long now. And why does it seem that the CFR candidates are winning all the primaries? Because they can't let Ron Paul ahead in the polls. The recount in New Hampshire will not change anything. Yes, it is rigged. But we are stupid as a society. We want what is best for us, without any regard as to the whole picture.

As we all know, that isn't working any more. We have a huge trade deficit with China. They have a huge surplus and are working with Iran to build refineries for the oil. The CIA's NIE was right. Iran did suspend their nuclear weapons program. Remember how they told us it was coming, but they couldn't decide on what it should say? Giving us the truth would create more tensions between our two party system, but then again so would lies. It's a catch 22. the administration is ignoring the NIE on the advice of the CFR. They have dug a hole so deep they don't know how to get out of it.

Ever hear the story that there is a huge reserve of oil in Alaska? It's true if most of what I have see is real. Why don't we tap into it? Because an isolationist approach to the rest of the world would doom them and ultimately us. If we have all the resources we need, we would become isolationist. The rest of the world would become a living cesspool. Aside from that, the environmentalists are playing the 'me first' game too. Removing those regulations to allow drilling would flood the market with American crude. Imagine that. Real dollars based on something tangible. So we don't have to be on the gold standard. We could be on the oil standard. Or the lumber standard. Why limit ourselves when we have so much potential?

Global warming? It's real. Look outside. You know it. The corporations know it. But there is no real solution under the current system. So until we get our heads out of our collectivist ass and start to explore real energy alternatives, we are dooming ourselves to a world unfit to live in. Government regulations meant to protect people from the dangers of real innovation is what stifles growth in terms of new energy reform. If you get a chance, read the book Plan B - 3.0. It shows us that if we took the WW2 approach to manufacturing, we could produce enough wind turbines off our huge coastline to create enough energy that every thing would become electric. Cars, trains, buses, etc. Still, we would need oil for flight and shipping. The storage capacity for batteries currently isn't large enough. Removing environmental and research regulations would jump start new technologies. If you want, thank Toyota for the Hybrid car. It's just the beginning.

There are tons of other conspiracy theories out there that can just as easily be debunked by thinking in terms of protection rather than stifling freedom. This is what Libertarianism is all about. Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

So why not tell the public the facts? We can't handle it. We've stopped paying attention to our economy in favor of buying crap. We don't think in long terms any more. We think solely in terms of 'me first and the gimme gimmes'. We subsidize stupidity and get it in return. That has to change.

This is why we have a REAL ID coming in to play. This is why we are not securing the borders. When our economy crashes (and it will very soon if we stay on the current course) we need to allow the borders to be open so that others can leave. Not allowing people to mooch on the system that is in place to protect Americans first is the goal. It's not that they don't care about illegal immigration. Stopping it would hurt us worse in the long run.

There's your North American government conspiracy. Debunked. Fences keep people out, but they also keep us in. And then there's the mandatory government worker program that Charlie Rangel keeps trying to pass through Congress. There is no attempt to force Americans into the armed forces. 2 years of mandatory service could put people back to work rebuilding our infrastructure and increase money in the hands of Americans and generate real tax money for the treasury.

Anyway, that's my take. It's time we petition the government to engage Iran and the Middle East in real talks for the first time in years. We need to stop the saber rattling and get a real group of ambassadors in place and figure out what to do.

For the true believers in America, there really is only one hope. Ron Paul. Any other option is just stay the course.

Now, do you want to repeat the lessons we didn't learn from the Great Depression, or do you want to usher in what is really a revolution in thinking? Let's stop beating each other up. There's a real chance that we don't even know WHY we disagree. We all want the same thing. A prosperous and strong America. And that would give hope to the world.

of course, I could be wrong.

www.RonPaulIsWrong.com : Why Ron Paul Is Right <- Common Sense 2.0 - Self evident truths.