View Full Version : how powerful an email signature is

Mental Dribble
01-13-2008, 05:28 PM
I put ronpauls websites and the VA website at the bottom of all the emails I send out and last night at a party for social sports league that I am team captain of several people approached ME about Paul and asked him why I supported him. I definitely got people thinking and may have even won some support. A few where dems but one was a die hard Rep. I talked to him about how the party has strayed and how Bush and congress over hte last 8 years has turned into big spending central and I got him to say... well I definitely agree with you on 90% and I said, where is there any other candidate that you agree with on more items and it said no... he kept touching on the difficulty of getting the nomination but said he agreed Ron had the best shot at beating a democrat in Nov.... so I think i just pulled out another vote here in VA.

01-13-2008, 05:51 PM
nice work =D

01-13-2008, 05:53 PM
I too converted a few people at work this way.