View Full Version : How to convert anyone

01-13-2008, 02:20 AM
…grandiose no doubt; but hear me out and please feel free to edit

With all apologies and honors to Frank Luntz for using the same approach…but this is from my heart.

1. Do you believe that the US form of government is the best form of government on the earth?
2. Do you believe that eventually the entire world will have some form of government similar to the US?
3. Is freedom and democracy a natural and logical form of government?
4. Does the rest of the world want to be as free as the United States?
5. What is the best way to defend freedom? By setting the example of living free or by actively opposing all other forms of government?

What I’m after is helping people understand our view of things. The Neo Conservatives believe the world would be a safer place if the entire world was made up of democracies. I can’t argue with that…the world would be a safer place and there would be fewer wars. I would argue that Neo Conservatives aren’t being very pragmatic in their approach and I question weather they really believe in our form of government.

I sincerely believe our form of government is inevitable, predictable, and beneficial. From my perspective its as if were trying to defend and promote 1+1=2. Even if we never lifted a finger, eventually people will see the light. It boils down to using force or using the laws of nature to promote freedom. If you are a true believer in freedom all fear is removed about the eventual outcome; but if you have doubt then it seems necessary to force others to agree.

During the gulf war there was a Mid East analyst on TV talking about the love/hate the Middle East has for the US. As an example he mentioned that Bay Watch was the most popular show in Iran. I had a sense of pride at that moment because it hit me that I had nothing to fear from those counties, because freedom really is powerful. Just letting people live their lives they way they want is more powerful than any other ideology.

Other countries around the world should be afraid of us because freedom corrupts. Freedom corrupts dictatorships and monarchies and theocracies. We need to defend this country against outside threats; but we must always live as free as possible because it sets an example for the rest of the world to follow and envy and is our strongest form of defense.

01-13-2008, 02:47 AM
To help #5: http://hawks4ronpaul.blogspot.com/2007/12/reagan-rejected-nation-building.html