View Full Version : Straight Talk: "Paul Has a Point" (Found on Fox Website)

05-22-2007, 08:32 AM
Hello all,

I found this and almost fell over when I saw something positive about Ron Paul written on the Fox News Website, although the author (Radley Balko) describes himself on his on website as liberal/libertarian.

Does anyone think there's anyone at Fox News who would be willing to interview Ron Paul w/out "Hannitizing" him?


Author's website:


05-22-2007, 08:47 AM
Wow that article is awesome. Good to see there is SOME people with a brain at fox news.

05-22-2007, 10:00 AM
Before recently, I found Fox News to be pretty reasonable, and couldn't really see any painfully obvious bias that I kept hearing about. But at that point, I was only reading stuff on their webpage, which I would find through Google News. Since watching videos regarding the debate and Ron Paul and so forth, however, I have seen where all the complaints about bias come from. Their TV services seem to be a lot worse than their internet services. Probably an attempt to appeal to different crowds. And it seems to be rather successful, at least for the time being. :(