View Full Version : Autodialing is a stupid idea

01-12-2008, 05:46 PM
Anyone from anywhere that tells you that autodialing is a good idea - don't believe those liars.

It didn't work for Brownback in Iowa and it just doesn't work -

Ron Paul Friends USA had over 60 people -mostly from Cali and Mizzou - each night waiting to call Iowans but Des Moines could only give up a phone list to Blackhawk County to them -
and then without enough callers Des Moines offers to pay out-of-state students to come to Des Moines to call - how dumb is THAT?

Previously to Des Moines late gaffe before classes let out in December, Drew Ivers had also snubbed the Republican Liberty Caucus of phone lists in eastern Iowa's former districts of Jim Leach (voted with RP and a handful of other GOP congressman in opposition to the Iraqi War Resolution Act of 2002).

Get rid of the Des Moines office and staff as they never had the interest of the candidate or the national campaign really at heart -
only their misguided old goat egos - and they are still doing the same with the upcoming county convention delegates. We don't need Des Moines for the county conventions.

Under Des Moines' squashing grassroots plans, maybe there were those 4-5,000 caucus-goers that instead went for Obama - and we would have got the national free media to notice.

So, it costs us more down the road as well. Don't make those Des Moines, Iowa mistakes anywhere else.

01-12-2008, 06:16 PM