View Full Version : RP's foreign policy ideas are slowly catching on

01-12-2008, 03:23 AM
Not explicitly, but ever since the National Intelligence Estimate found that Iran was not working on nukes, the U.S. has tamed their rhetoric and aggressiveness with Iran (for the time being). Now that Iranians don't feel the threat from the US as much, people are focusing their attention on domestic problems instead of being rallied against the USA.

Neocon Michelle Malkin wrote about a linked to a few articles on the incident in the Strait of Hormuz, and one of the articles mentioned what I just stated.

Here's a comment from one of her readers (includes the article excerpt) on her blog (http://michellemalkin.com/2008/01/11/the-iranian-incident-and-the-filipino-monkey/#comment-216133):

"Since last month’s National Intelligence Estimate report showed that Iran appears to have halted its crucial nuclear weapons programme, the US has turned down the threats of military strikes against Iran to just about zero. This has deprived Ahmadinejad of his key stratagem - the need to rally the people to confront the threat from the Great Enemy…"


I never thought about from this perspective. Either way, what they did was dangerous and I recommend that they abstain from doing it again.

A close eye must be kept on this lot.

Their eyes aren't fully open yet, but people are starting to realize the unintended consequences of what we do, and when we leave people alone, they start focusing on themselves and have no incentive to rally against us.

01-12-2008, 05:33 AM
Default RP's foreign policy ideas are slowly catching on

Keyword is "slowly".. Ron Paul doesn't have time to be doing anything slowly.. This is war and the clock is ticking fast to super tuesday.. Things need to progress to warp speed 3..