View Full Version : Muslims And Arabs For Ron Paul

01-11-2008, 03:45 PM
Hey everybody I hope you all are doing okay!
One of the best things about Ron Paul is that he has something in his message that is appealing almost to every group both religious and non religious.
I have read here before topics that inform supporters how to reach Catholics and Muslims' voters and another topic that was suggesting why not translate Ron Paul message in Arabic and get Iraqi people opinions.
So anyway I said to myself: why not write a formal letter in two versions in English and in Arabic that targets the Muslim and Arab communities in America, I really felt very inspired and said to myself that yes it might be late but sometimes late is better than later. So I started in the project in Wednesday and now I believe it is ready to go, and I am very thankful for my wife whom helped me in editing and correcting the English version!
Now if we are able to reach every Muslim Arab voter and hand them a copy of both the English and Arabic version, their votes would be 100% guaranteed if not 150%. So if we consider that there is no Fraud, this means that every vote counts, so what we are waiting for? let us do it.
I know that there are alot of Muslims in Pennsylvania and New York and it would be nice if somebody come to us with a recent statistics or graph that shows us where they are located most. Also the best time to reach alot of Muslims in Mosques would be in Friday at Noon.
Note: For non-Arabic readers, if you notice any weird characters in the Arabic version that look like these 據紐約時報@$% © this means that your computer or your MS Word does not support Arabic, the Arabic version has to match the one in the PDF file that I will add to this Topic.
Also if you are that kind of shy person that does not like engaging in direct discussion about Ron Paul, these letters are going to do the job for you, all Muslims are related to the Arabic language somehow and on different levels for the reason that Arabic is the original language of the Quran so please hand them both versions, it is going to be more appreciated and shows that serious effort has been done.
Also I am planing to email these letters to all Mosques and Islamic centers I can find online.
I am not really engaged well with many Muslim communities online so if any please help in spreading the word.

*Every version has been edited to fit in a single page.

*Here also I found a very rich website that gives a map of mosques and Islamic centers around United States.

*Very important for non Arabic readers: If you are planing to copy and paste the Arabic version in order to email it, please make sure to use the Align Right icon in your text editor after you highlight the whole text, do this before you send anything, other than that the letter will look terrible and messed up.

*Also for only those of you who are paranoid about the Arabic version, the Arabic version is almost the exact translation of the English version and as you might know there is no such literal translation! But if you still feel paranoid and at the same time you still want to help, please feel free to ignore the Arabic version and hand the Muslim voter the English one.

Please help by making this topic sticky :) and remember to check the topic for any updates, because I keep editing the original post from time to time seeking best result.

Salam and to be continued....

Update #1 Jan-15 : Hi guys that is me again, yesterday I had a very successful mission, I stopped at staples made about 60 copies, I headed toward the closest Islamic center to me in SC, I was able to meet with about 8 people, I had a short talk with them, I handed every one a copy of the letter. One told me that Ron Paul is a good man and he is the only one who makes sense out of the other candidates. Another person I was able to hand him a copy before he leaves the parking lot, but what I noticed is that he asked only for the English copy and handed me back the Arabic ( obviously this means he dose not speak Arabic) but I did not feel any bad about it although it was a surprise to me, I actually felt very good just to be able to deliver the word of Dr Ron Paul, it did not matter in what language. The rest of people were really very welcoming. unfortunately, two things I wished for did not happen the first one is that I wished if I met more people because people's attitude was very encouraging but I was told that if I can come at Friday I would find about a hundred people, the prayer ends about 2:15 so I would be able to reach them outside while they are leaving talk to them and hand them the letters Second: I was not able to leave the letters on the community board because they do not recommend having political messages. I did not want to pressure them so I said that is fine (This might be different from location to another) and prepared myself to leave and partially promised to come at Friday, the problem I have a work at that day and hopefully I would be able to finish early! Also I was not able to find the Imam at this time.
Please everybody next Friday is very very important and a great time to meet with many people and many potential voters that just need to know who is Ron Paul? So please if you live near a Mosque or an Islamic center do your part and do not forget next Friday, specially for the people of South Carolina by 19 the day of election we can generate at least 10s of voters if not hundreds, and also that is what I am going to do if I can make it next Friday, I am going to make more copies from the English version and less from the Arabic one, I will hand everyone a copy of the English version and I would ask at the end if any needs the Arabic version.
Do your part!

Update #2 Jan-16 : I added back again two MS-Word files, for those who prefer Word and I am one of them.
The Arabic file in MS-Word is for printing purposes only! If you would try to copy the text and paste it in any text editor (e: Yahoo mail, Gmail) to send it as an email, the last part would be messed up for some reason, mostly because of combining English and Arabic at the same text cause some problems.
If you still want to send the Arabic version through email, then copy the text that you see here in the forum, I had to move the meetup link down by one line to avoid this problem.
Still the file is very good for printing only.

01-11-2008, 03:47 PM
English version:
Now you can download a good quality PDF file:

Also you can download the file in MS-Word:

Dear Brothers and Sisters may peace be unto you all,

I urge all of you to consider voting for Dr.Ron Paul as President of The United States of America in 2008AD/1429AH for the following reasons:

1-Dr.Ron Paul’s foreign policy is based on non-intervention with no isolationism, which means trade with people, make friends with the rest of the World (no alliances), while no intervention in foreign countries’ affairs, and no more forcing other nations
how to live their lives.
2-Dr.Ron Paul has adopted a unique policy that is going to end all financial aid to allies, which mostly ends up in the hands of dictators and help to feed wars in many regions around the World. Dr.Ron Paul seeks a friendly relationship directly with Muslim nations and not through their dictators; His policy is going to save trillions of dollars that have been spent on wars, allies and dictators in order to boost our Economy. The countries that are going to be affected by stopping financial aid include Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Pakistan and the list goes on and on.
3-Dr.Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who voted against the war in Iraq in 2002 and the only candidate who promises to bring Troops home from all over the World and not only from Iraq; from Europe, from Asia and from the Arab World.
4-Dr.Ron Paul is the True Champion of the Constitution, which means less government and more freedom; He is going to get the government out of our lives, which means more civil liberties and privacy.
5-Congressman Ron Paul voted against the regulation of the Internet which is considered the only free speech tool that is available for all of us after the decades of the domination of the unfair, unbalanced Mass Stream Media. It is time to speak free.
6-Congressman Ron Paul is going to work on ending the income tax, which means we keep what we earn and we ourselves decide how to spend our money and not the government.

Dr Ron Paul is the balanced, fair American leader that Muslims and Arabs in America and around the World have ever dreamed of. Please join the Revolution, be part of it and vote for Ron Paul. Let this dream become true. It is time for the American empire to become an empire of peace and love -no more wars- so be part of it.
Brothers and Sisters the time is slipping away and your vote is very important and it might be wasted by either not voting or voting for somebody that does not believe in any of the above dreams, so let us make history. Please spread the message to every Muslim and Muslima and to every Arab American you meet; in the Mosque, in your neighborhood, in your work, in your school and through emails.
Confused what to do in this critical time? Visit this website http://ronpaul.meetup.com There you will be able to meet with people from all over the country, who joined the Revolution and are ready to help you. If you want to know more about the candidate, do not forget to search for Ron Paul on Google’s video, for Ron Paul records the highest ranks of views and searches among all candidates according to Google’s statistics.

May God bless your hearts with peace and prosperity.

01-11-2008, 03:49 PM
Wow this is very impressive...

01-11-2008, 03:50 PM
The Arabic version:
Now you can download a good quality PDF file:

Also you can download the file in MS-Word:

الإخوة و الأخوات الكرام، السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

أما بعد، نسألكم جميعاً التصويت لصالح المرشح الرئاسي الدكتور رون بول أحد مرشحي الحزب الجمهوري في الإنتخابات الرئاسية لهذا العام الموافق 1429هجرية / 2008 ميلادية للأسباب التالي ذكرها:

۱- يتمتع الدكتور رون بول بسياسة خارجية لم يسبق لها مثيل في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الحديث. حيث تعتمد هذه السياسة علي نظرية عدم التدخل مع عدم الإنفصال، و التي تعني بناء صداقات -لا تحالفات- مع العالم الخارجي و في ذات الوقت عدم التدخل في الشئون الداخلية للشعوب الأخري، حيث يؤمن رون بول بحق كل شعب في اختيار الأسلوب الأمثل لممارسة حياته.
۲- يتبني الدكتور بول سياسة خارجية فريدة من الناحية المالية حيث يخطط من أجل إيقاف جميع المعونات الخارجية و التي ساهمت لسنوات طوال في إشعال فتيل الحروب في مناطق عدة من العالم. هذه المعونات التي في أغلب الأحيان ما تنتهي في أيدي نظم ديكتاتورية لطالما تحكمت في مصائر شعوبها. الدول التي سيشملها سياسة إيقاف المعونات هي الأردن و مصر و باكستان و إسرائيل و القائمة لا تنتهي، حيث يسعي الدكتور بول لتحسين العلاقات مع الشعوب العربية و الإسلامية مباشرة و ليس من خلال وساطة حكام هذه البلاد. ومن المتوقع أن تٌسهم هذه السياسة سريعاً في إنعاش الإقتصاد الأمريكي من بعد فترة الركود التي مازال يشهدها هذا الإقتصاد الجريح نتيجة صرف مبالغ طائلة علي الحروب، مما سيعود بالنفع علي الجميع.
۳- عضو الكونجرس لعشر سنوات متتالية الدكتور رون بول هو المرشح الوحيد الذي يَعد بعودة القوات الأمريكية للديار. ليس فقط من العراق، بل و من جميع أنحاء العالم، من اليابان، من كوريا، من أوروبا و من العالم العربي. إيماناً منه بسياسة عدم التدخل و التي قد سبق طرحها.
٤- الدكتور رون بول هو فارس الدستور الأمريكي، حيث يؤمن بضرورة تطبيق الدستور و الذي ينص علي إحترام الحقوق المدنية للأفراد، مما يعني تقليص صلاحيات الحكومة المركزية مع توسيع مساحة الحريات الفردية و التي تشمل إحترام خصوصيات الأفراد من سياسات التلصص و الملاحقات.
٥- الدكتور رون بول هو المرشح الجمهوري الوحيد الذي قام بالتصويت ضد الحرب علي العراق و ضد القوانين التي تتعلق بتنظيم شبكة الإنترنت و التي قد تتسبب في الحد من حرية التعبير، حيث تٌعد شبكة الإنترنت الوسيلة الوحيدة للتعبيرعن أراء الملايين من المستخدمين بعد عقود من احتكار الشركات الكبري لوسائل الإعلام المرئية بل و السمعية أيضاً. لذلك يحارب الدكتور بول بشدة من أجل الإبقاء علي شبكة الإنترنت منبر حر ضد أطماع الشركات الكبري.
٦- يؤمن رون بول بضرورة إنهاء ضريبة الدخل - التي تتعدي ثلث دخل الفرد- إجمالاً و تفصيلاً. مما يعني بأن ما يكسبه الفرد نتاج عمله هو حق له وحده يتصرف فيه كما يشاء، إيماناً منه بأهمية تقليص دور الحكومات في حياة الأفراد و بالتالي تسليم زمام الأمور لأصحاب الشأن و هم الأفراد أنفسهم.

الدكتور رون بول هو القائد الأمريكي المتزن و العادل الذي لطالما حلم به المسلمون و العرب في أمريكا و في جميع أنحاء العالم. رجاءاً من جميع الإخوة و الأخوات المشاركة في صناعة الثورة الأمريكية الجديدة بالتصويت لقائدها. لقد حان الوقت لتصبح الإمبراطورية الأمريكية إمبراطورية السلام و العدل -لا إمبراطورية الحرب- فشارك مع الآلاف في تحقيق هذا الحلم.
إخواني و أخواتي الوقت يمضي سريعاً. أصواتكم في غاية الأهمية و قد تضيع هباءاً إما بعدم التصويت أو بالتصويت لمرشح أخر لا يؤمن بأيٍ مما ذٌكر. فرجاءاً المساهمة بنشر هذه الرسالة لكل مسلم و مسلمة و لكل عربي يحيَ علي أرض أمريكا في المسجد، في الجامعة، في أماكن العمل و من خلال الرسائل الألكترونية.
يمكنكم أيضاً مشاركة الآلاف من داعمي الدكتور رون بول من أغلب الشرائح العمرية علي الموقع التالي ذكره حيث ستجد هناك بإذن الله من هو قادر علي مساعدتك أينما كنت
لمزيد من المعلومات عن الدكتور رون بول يمكنكم مشاهدة العديد من أحاديثه المباشرة علي موقع جوجل أو اليوتوب حيث يٌعد الدكتور بول المرشح الأكثر شعبية علي شبكة الإنترنت كنتاج لحرية التعبير المتوفرة هناك، حيث يحظي بأعلي نسب المشاهدة و البحث من بين المرشحين تبعاً لإحصائيات شركة جوجل.

بارك الله فيكم و جزاكم كل خير

السلام ختام

01-11-2008, 03:50 PM
Great posts...
welcome to the forum! :)

01-11-2008, 03:53 PM
Thanks for everybody,I believe we can do it! Ron Paul 2008!
Any comments, questions are very welcome!

Lord Xar
01-11-2008, 03:53 PM
Can Someone Start Passing These Out In Michigan

01-11-2008, 03:57 PM
Arabic script is beautiful, much more pleasing to the eye than western writing.

01-11-2008, 03:57 PM
I know many muslims who support RP 100%! I was suprised when I first found out, which was around October, but it shows his broad appeal.

01-11-2008, 03:59 PM
English version:
MS-Word can be downloaded from here:

Dear Brothers and Sisters may peace be unto you all,

*text cut*

May God bless your hearts with peace and prosperity.

Fantastic letter and great suggestions! Look for Hamadeh, also frequently on this forum, he's done some great ads as well in Arabic and English. You two could coordinate efforts and share ideas for your particular audience.

I'd also add that making a CD showing his views on the Iraq War and foreign policy could be helpful as well. And the great thing is, anybody of any race, creed, gender, etc. can vote for him and it's likely they agree with far more than just one of his stances!


01-11-2008, 03:59 PM

01-11-2008, 04:01 PM

01-11-2008, 04:01 PM
Thanks for everybody,I believe we can do it! Ron Paul 2008!
Any comments, questions are very welcome!

OH! I forgot in my last comment--if you live in a mostly Muslim neighborhood--become a precinct captain!

It's very important to the cause and very effective.

01-11-2008, 04:04 PM

01-11-2008, 04:05 PM
Arabic script is beautiful, much more pleasing to the eye than western writing.

You're right.. Stare at the arab script for 2 minutes, then looking at western script afterwards it hurts your eyes.. Literally.

01-11-2008, 04:12 PM
Hey guys I had to take Ron Paul name in English out of the Arabic text, because the combination of Arabic and English in the forum messed up the first part, but you will still find it in the MS-Word where it is showing everything right.

01-11-2008, 04:15 PM
Can Someone Start Passing These Out In Michigan
I hope it is not too late!

01-11-2008, 04:29 PM
Detroit is full of Arabs isn't it ?

01-11-2008, 04:32 PM
Fantastic letter and great suggestions! Look for Hamadeh, also frequently on this forum, he's done some great ads as well in Arabic and English. You two could coordinate efforts and share ideas for your particular audience.

I'd also add that making a CD showing his views on the Iraq War and foreign policy could be helpful as well. And the great thing is, anybody of any race, creed, gender, etc. can vote for him and it's likely they agree with far more than just one of his stances!

I will be looking for Hamadeh thanks!
Making CDs I believe would be very costly, all I want to say is that the American Muslim Arab voters are very simple to reach to the degree that giving them a hint or a brief explanation would be enough to move them and go vote, that is due to the idea that their passion about this subject overcomes whatever format is being used

01-11-2008, 04:33 PM
There is almost no time left. The message has to get viral among Michigan Muslims in order to leave a dent on primaries results.
Is there a way to quickly, within days, propagate the message through the community?

Knut Schreiber
01-11-2008, 04:37 PM
There are probably some mosques. In those there are usually many people at praying times and especially people with "influence".

01-11-2008, 04:38 PM
OH! I forgot in my last comment--if you live in a mostly Muslim neighborhood--become a precinct captain!

It's very important to the cause and very effective.
I live in SC and not very many here, but I am planing to distribute copies to the closest Islamic center to me, and I hope everybody would do.

american empire
01-11-2008, 04:38 PM
Wow thanks dude....this is going viral.....please sticky.....

01-11-2008, 04:39 PM
hehe I made that, and it was all controversial.


I've been hitting the Arab American News in Michigan pretty good with 6 ads those look great. more targeted to the "Muslims" though.
Here is Hamadeh :D great effort man!

american empire
01-11-2008, 04:43 PM
After Fiday prayers.....a lot of muslims.....
Even better go online and check the local masjid.....drop by and talk to the Imam...he will listen and ask him for support....I DID IT....and it worked out smoothly
Also check on line the nearest Arab/ Islamic store.....drop by and drop some lit on the counter for people to pick up when they checkout....talk to the owner...and buy a thing or two...he will be glad to talk to you...

IT will work....esp in MI,NY,NJ,California

american empire
01-11-2008, 04:45 PM
besides the arabs are not the only Muslims...A large portion are African-American .....and South Asian....some European too (bosnians, turkish, kosovo)....This is a big community to target......

01-11-2008, 08:03 PM
Never give up!
Please help by sticking this Topic!

There is almost no time left. The message has to get viral among Michigan Muslims in order to leave a dent on primaries results.
Is there a way to quickly, within days, propagate the message through the community?
I guess the quickest way is to hammer all Islamic centers and Mosques' emails by these letters, and that is what I started to do already.
Here I found a very rich website that gives a map of mosques and Islamic centers around United States.

And at this link you would find the full map and the full list, also be aware that this link might take a longer time to load but it shows the whole picture, and it gives idea where they are located most.
Ooops I guess this link is going to bring us to the homepage, any way if you are looking for the full map and list, just choose the US and click search

Never give up!
Please help by sticking this Topic!

01-11-2008, 08:16 PM
besides the arabs are not the only Muslims...A large portion are African-American .....and South Asian....some European too (bosnians, turkish, kosovo)....This is a big community to target......
That is very true but we would assume that the majority in America either talk English or Arabic or both

01-11-2008, 09:00 PM
This is a wonderful letter and a great idea.

Thank you taking the time and for posting for download.

Everybody be sure to note/tell recipients of letter that they need to register Republican in most states in order to vote for Dr. Paul and if they are new to voting try to be helpful. Take along the form needed to register.

This is a very positive effort made and thanks to Vote4 RP for doing this.

01-11-2008, 09:01 PM

01-11-2008, 09:05 PM
Salam. We welcome Muslims to this revolution with open arms.

01-12-2008, 12:42 AM
Thanks everybody for the encouragement and you are all my brothers and sisters :)
I just added good quality PDF files in my original posts for both versions, so please forget the MS-Word, specially for the Arabic version.
I also added a map link to Islamic Mosques and Islamic centers, where we can find easily the ones that belongs to every state we are targeting, there are good numbers in Michigan.
Also very important for non Arabic readers: If you are planing to copy and paste the Arabic version in order to email it, please make sure to use the Align Right icon in your text editor after you highlight the whole text, do this before you send anything, other than that the letter will look terrible and messed up.
I will make sure to add this point to my original post.

Please this Topic needs to be sticky, these letters mean votes I am not kidding :eek:

01-12-2008, 01:28 AM
You might want to contact your local imam. I know I did!

01-12-2008, 01:46 AM

(New Farsi speaker here :) )

I think this really WILL translate directly into votes. Anyone from Dearborn, MI???? Hit it HARD!

Great work! I'm bumpin it!

01-12-2008, 01:59 AM
Welcome aboard. We need all the help and support we can get. This is not "Christianity vs Islam", nor is it "Islam vs Judaism", or even "Christianity vs Judaism", it is simply the Military Industrial Powers vs We The People, and this applies itself worldwide, not just in the United States. We are not going fight your wars anymore.

01-12-2008, 02:13 AM

01-13-2008, 09:44 AM
This is a wonderful letter and a great idea.

Thank you taking the time and for posting for download.

Everybody be sure to note/tell recipients of letter that they need to register Republican in most states in order to vote for Dr. Paul and if they are new to voting try to be helpful. Take along the form needed to register.

This is a very positive effort made and thanks to Vote4 RP for doing this.
Thanks to you Carole, I just want to understand something, I was going to edit the letters and add your note, that if anybody decides to vote for RP they would need to register as Republicans, but please let me know first what about independents? How it works in other states if they want to vote for RP??????????????

01-13-2008, 12:37 PM
I just added a new note to the original post for those of you who are paranoid about the Arabic version.
Please visit the original post for updates!

01-13-2008, 12:42 PM
Welcome aboard. We need all the help and support we can get. This is not "Christianity vs Islam", nor is it "Islam vs Judaism", or even "Christianity vs Judaism", it is simply the Military Industrial Powers vs We The People, and this applies itself worldwide, not just in the United States. We are not going fight your wars anymore.
Agreed, thanks for sharing!

01-13-2008, 12:48 PM

(New Farsi speaker here :) )

I think this really WILL translate directly into votes. Anyone from Dearborn, MI???? Hit it HARD!

Great work! I'm bumpin it!
Thanks for all those who are bumping including me :D
But I want to know if you speak Arabic or only Farsi and if Farsi, is there alot of Farsi speakers(voters) in America.
If you also an Arabic speaker, please feel free to add your notes about the Arabic version!


01-15-2008, 06:17 PM
Update #1 Jan-15 : "I had a very successful mission to an Islamic center near to me.
Please visit the first post for more information about my mission.


01-15-2008, 07:04 PM
Well, actually I'm in the process of learning Farsi, not Arabic at all, else I'd be glad to help out. I'm not sure of the population of Farsi speakers, but I'm sure it's a lot lower than Arabic speakers (going off of world populations).

01-15-2008, 07:46 PM
Well, actually I'm in the process of learning Farsi, not Arabic at all, else I'd be glad to help out. I'm not sure of the population of Farsi speakers, but I'm sure it's a lot lower than Arabic speakers (going off of world populations).
Thanks for coming back KyleAF and good luck with your study! Farsi letters are almost exactly the same like Arabic letters but when it comes to reading a Farsi text I do not understand anything :D although I believe the pronunciation of letters the same too.
So probably if you can read Farsi you would be able to read Arabic too but you would not understand the text.
kyleAF you can do your part by visiting the closest Mosque or Islamic center to you next Friday, talk to people and hand them copies and then comeback and share with us your experience, that would be really great effort and very appreciated.
It would be very nice to listen to different experiences and different stories from different supporters, that would be really very inspiring.

Let us do our part next Friday

01-16-2008, 11:06 PM
Update #2

Let us do our part next Friday