View Full Version : A Bat Signal

07-24-2007, 02:04 AM
A signal like beacon in the night sky, or a laser light signal spelling out ronpaul2008.com. Is this possible?

07-24-2007, 02:25 AM
It might be slightly doable but you'd have to create a pretty large stencil for it and make sure the light beam was wide enough.

After that though the only concern left is the weather and whether or not there are enough clouds. Oh that and the fact that the feds would probably come find a way to shut your light down. Hopefully RP would come to the rescue before that though =)

Ed W
07-24-2007, 02:30 AM

Man from La Mancha
07-24-2007, 02:32 AM
I'm guessing you don't see this used now for other ads is because the FAA rules on blinding possible pilots. Just my thoughts.

07-24-2007, 04:44 AM
I'm guessing you don't see this used now for other ads is because the FAA rules on blinding possible pilots. Just my thoughts.

Bah, play dumb. If you're doing this in downtown Ames or something, how many planes / helicopters fly directly over the city anyway?

07-24-2007, 05:22 AM
Can't do it with lasers... Big NO NO... Pilots get ticked when they are "painted", and that makes the FAA ticked too.

07-24-2007, 08:56 AM
Why not do a big "RP" (maybe that's too close to RIP) or something and shine it on the Hilton where the poll will take place? Sorta like they did a "W" on the convention center for the Republican convention in 2000.

Maybe Ron Paul needs a logo like the W.

07-24-2007, 09:21 AM

Maybe Ron Paul needs a logo like the W.

What about the Rx symbol?


07-24-2007, 09:25 AM
those holiday projectors that bounce Santa off your garage just use a plastic gobo, like transparent o/h projector sheets. You can print off any RP image onto the transparency, cut it out and beam it off your garage at night. No need for big bucks, just energized people.

07-24-2007, 09:58 AM
It could be as simple as the Question mark symbol ?