View Full Version : We can't fight hate with hate

05-22-2007, 12:22 AM
Guys we have got to get control over ourselves. Hatred does not help anything. To see what I'm talking about go to the following link and see the nature of the comments posted by Ron Paul supporters in response to the word "spammer" being posted over Ron Paul's picture.


All I see are attacks of "how dare you" "this website is fixed" "you're afraid of the truth" and so on. This is no way to sway people. And it only makes the moderator feel correct in his assessment. And remember the moderator of the website isn't the only one who will see those comments.

Ron Paul is an honorable and good and decent man. As his supporters we should act as honorable, and good, and decent people. Even when others piss us off. :) We do not want Ron Paul's name associated with hate messages.

Guys we actually have a chance to help him win! Focus on the positive, talk about what he does right. His loyalty to the constitution, his decency, his honor, etc. Don't slam. Let's focus on building Ron Paul up rather than tearing others down. Let's not lose this chance guys. We really need Ron Paul's help and we won't get it if we can't get him into office because we're isolating everyone who doesn't immediately get it.

I'm frustrated too, but we are grown people. We can do so much better. I have faith in you guys. Go Ron Paul!

05-22-2007, 01:14 AM
I've tried to convince people that the best thing to do with regards to these polls is just ignore them, tho with new supporters coming in every day it's an impossible task. Some people seem to think any idiot with a blog and a poll == Mainstream Media, and that they are fighting for freedom and liberty when they try to convince some schmuck to put Paul back on his poll. :confused:

The campaign needs to create something like my Activism HowTo IMO.


05-22-2007, 02:00 AM
Very good advice & well written. Thank you mesler.

Mesler is right. When you fight those who are against Ron Paul it only energizes them more. Look what happened when Rudy Guiliani tried to take Ron Paul on. It only skyrocketed Ron's campaign forward. Guiliani actually helped us. We don't want to make the same mistake Guiliani did.

05-22-2007, 09:05 AM
I have seen the following on a few sites I have visited. "whiny, obnoxious, annoying, immautre, abrasive, and childish." These are comments about us. What can we do to get others to quit thinking we are spammers and get better organized?

Because, well, I for one am really getting tired of defending myself from trolls and personal attacks for my beliefs. (even when it is just in my signature.)

05-22-2007, 09:17 AM
Look at MSNBC's poll where they artifically put Dr. Paul in last placed and set the bio text to "Please just stop emailing us." or whatever. This is going to be common, because they know there are elements of the Ron Paul community who will get riled up, and that those people will only bring more controversy, attention, and hits to their otherwise insignifigant websites.

05-22-2007, 09:56 AM
As Rons supporters are all "tech-savvy" or how does the MSM call it, we should form a team of hackers... they just must be somewhere here too. Fight hate with hate :D

05-22-2007, 10:04 AM
All we need to do is follow Dr. Paul's example. Think "What Would Ron Paul Do?":

1. Calmly deliver our message of liberty.

2. Lead by example, not through aggression.

05-22-2007, 10:19 AM
Here's an email I wrote to a guy who wrote an op-ed piece in the Pittsburgh Review-Tribune about Ron Paul.

Dear Sir -

I enjoyed your piece. I hope you will continue to comment on the momentum that is being generated, and continues to snowball. However, this, in fact, is a snowball that DOES have a chance in this country. You see, it is not about Ron Paul the man - it never was. It is about the message - it always was. That message is the same message echoed in all of the major religions and believed by most people across this country and the globe, and summarily ignored by the power elite in their mad rush to drive us all into oblivion beneath their boot heels. People believe in freedom and peace, people believe in being able to work hard and be successful and provide for their families, people believe in a fair shake that comes from a level playing field (true capitalism, not the crony-"capitalism"/socialism we're subjected to by government these days).

Ron Paul's genius is that he is an educator; the message of peace and freedom is getting out there; it is greater than anything the power elites can marshal. Ultimately, water breaks stone, does it not? If not this election, then the next. Again, it doesn't matter who is speaking the message, so long as it is being heard. And it is.

05-22-2007, 10:24 AM
As Rons supporters are all "tech-savvy" or how does the MSM call it, we should form a team of hackers... they just must be somewhere here too. Fight hate with hate :D

My elite hacker team will remove limbs from our enemies with axes, saws, and hedgetrimmers more efficiently than any other. Now *that's* hacking.
In all seriousness though, the idea that anyone with real information security knowledge who is a Ron Paul supporter would participate in any such underhanded tricks is disgusting. If you're not joking, you should be ashamed. I think I speak for the many among us who work in or are otherwise involved in information security (and correct me if I'm wrong) when I say that such activities and even such suggestions are counterproductive and immature.

05-22-2007, 10:27 AM
I was joking... that's why I used this one: :D

05-22-2007, 10:36 AM
I was joking... that's why I used this one: :D

OK then :)

05-22-2007, 03:57 PM
All we need to do is follow Dr. Paul's example. Think "What Would Ron Paul Do?":

1. Calmly deliver our message of liberty.

2. Lead by example, not through aggression.

Thank you Dave. Very well said.

05-22-2007, 06:43 PM
That site needs to be punished somehow. They are blatantly manipulating responses, deleting comments, and banning IP #'s of people they don't agree with. Anyone have any clever ideas we can do to discredit them, without actually sending them more traffic?

05-23-2007, 02:49 AM
Guys we have got to get control over ourselves. Hatred does not help anything. To see what I'm talking about go to the following link and see the nature of the comments posted by Ron Paul supporters in response to the word "spammer" being posted over Ron Paul's picture.


All I see are attacks of "how dare you" "this website is fixed" "you're afraid of the truth" and so on. This is no way to sway people. And it only makes the moderator feel correct in his assessment. And remember the moderator of the website isn't the only one who will see those comments.

Ron Paul is an honorable and good and decent man. As his supporters we should act as honorable, and good, and decent people. Even when others piss us off. :) We do not want Ron Paul's name associated with hate messages.

Guys we actually have a chance to help him win! Focus on the positive, talk about what he does right. His loyalty to the constitution, his decency, his honor, etc. Don't slam. Let's focus on building Ron Paul up rather than tearing others down. Let's not lose this chance guys. We really need Ron Paul's help and we won't get it if we can't get him into office because we're isolating everyone who doesn't immediately get it.

I'm frustrated too, but we are grown people. We can do so much better. I have faith in you guys. Go Ron Paul!

what makes you think those people are here on this board? And why would they care what you have to say?

Scribbler de Stebbing
05-23-2007, 07:17 AM
I like how some bright mind dealt with http://www.2008horserace.com/ (Don't click on them -- we don't want to give them traffic. Suffice it to say that they were deleting RP votes.)

They came up with http://www.2008horserace.info/ (Do click this one and vote. Note the ".info" instead of ".com") That's gotta drive the original scamming site crazy.