View Full Version : What's Kirkchin's email?

01-10-2008, 11:13 PM
I've got something for him...

Dear Mr. Kirkchin,

I am writing in response to your article about Dr. Ron Paul. After having taken a couple of days to digest what you have written, I would like to make a few observations.

Whenever a subject as potentially damaging to one's character as racism is discussed, it is my opinion that the level of research done should be commensurate with the importance of the subject matter. In this case, it appears to me that you have fallen quite short in this regard. The fact that you actually got up from behind your keyboard to make a trip to the library to research your article is offered up to the reader as evidence of your commitment to an acceptable level of research. In this day and age, with the entire history of the written works of mankind seemingly available on the internet at the stroke of a few keys, it sounds on the surface to be quite a commendable act to actually get out on the streets and do some real research.

However, this tactic falls flat when offered up to the harsh light of real journalistic integrity. You offer no irrefutable link between the writings you found and Dr. Paul himself - no more so than if I were to pen your name to this letter. Neither you nor I nor anyone else has any proof that these writings are in fact his. The fact that the origins of these newsletters has been discussed ad nauseum in the past, and that they have been routinely dismissed for not being Dr. Paul's own writing, is undeniable, yet you somehow fail to mention it, just as you to fail to mention that he has been elected to ten congressional terms while Trent Lott was quickly ushered out of office for racially charged statements which were verifiably on record as being truly his own words. But this is only a small example of the lack of depth in your research, regardless of any arguments one might make about whether or not Dr. Paul should be held accountable for anything and everything written by those associated with him.

But for me, the most glaring issue is that you failed miserably in the one area that any journalist with a shred of integrity would know to do without fail, and this is to cross check your sources. The fact that you included no mention of any personal interviews you have had with anyone associated with Dr. Paul, or better yet any man to man discussions which you have had with the Dr. Paul himself before going to press, is proof that you were either: (a) unprepared, or (b) had an agenda against Dr. Paul before you ever typed the first word of your article. The timing of your article on the day before the New Hampshire primary strongly suggests the latter (or both).

Lest we forget, this is a man who is running for the highest office in the land - a man with two decades worth of public service to our nation under his belt. Does this not afford him the common decency of a legitimate inquiry before going to press with such potentially damaging and libelous statements? Did it ever occur to you that with all of his history in public life to draw from, that you might come up with more damning evidence than just some fifteen to twenty year old photocopies of newsletters which he claims to have never even seen before they were published? Did it occur to you to mention one of the first men who popped into his mind when he was asked about potential running mates? Do a little research on Walter Williams if you're not familiar with him and feel free to get back to me on that one.

How about interviewing any of the thousands of people that he has dealt with throughout his public life - his congressional staffers and colleagues, his constituents, his patients, others in the media, etc.? Did this ever cross your mind? Surely you could have come up with some more substantial evidence somewhere if the racism your article implies was true; he would have uttered something in public or written something that was undeniably his own writing to back up your claims. The fact that nearly everyone who has ever followed his career will assert that the articles in question do not sound like anything else he has ever stated or written is apparently lost on you.

If even for a moment you really thought that Dr. Paul was evil incarnate, and that you could find some information that would bury his campaign once and for all, then didn't you owe it to yourself and your readers to do a more thorough job in your research? If 60 Minutes had done an expose with as little evidence as you offered, their credibility would have been irreparably damaged, but apparently you believe that you can just sling mud however you see fit and still call yourself a responsible journalist. Shame on you.

What is most ironic about all of this is that it is Dr. Paul's staunch defense of freedom of speech that makes it possible not only for someone to take advantage of his tolerance and ghost write something that may not reflect his views, but also for you to write such an irresponsible rebuttal. Once again, shame on you for lowering yourself to the level of the type of "wackos" you are supposedly "outing". And though I don't agree with every view expressed in those newsletters, at least they offered up easily substantiated facts to back up their positions. On the other hand, your kind of yellow journalism reeks of the type of smear campaigns that will only lead us further toward a world of intolerance and mob rule. In my mind, your piece was no more credible than any cover article on any one of the tabloids lining the aisles of my local grocery market.

Vincent Bodie
Glendale, CA

01-10-2008, 11:26 PM
So sue me, James...

01-11-2008, 06:59 AM
Dear Mr. Kirchick,

This is a slight rewrite of my previous letter. If you find that you wish to publish it and/or respond to it, please refer to this version. It has already been posted in several places around the internet, as was the previous version.

I am writing in response to your article about Dr. Ron Paul. After having taken a couple of days to digest what you have written, I would like to make a few observations.

Whenever a subject as potentially damaging to one's character as racism is discussed, it is my opinion that the level of research done should be commensurate with the importance of the subject matter. In this case, it appears to me that you have fallen quite short in this regard. The fact that you actually got up from behind your keyboard to make a trip to the library to research your article is offered up to the reader as evidence of your commitment to an acceptable level of research. In this day and age, with the entire history of the written works of mankind seemingly available on the internet at the stroke of a few keys, it sounds on the surface to be quite a commendable act to actually get out on the streets and do some real research.

However, this tactic falls flat when offered up to the harsh light of real journalistic integrity. You offer no irrefutable link between the writings you found and Dr. Paul himself. Neither you nor I nor anyone else has any proof that these writings are in fact his. The fact that the origins of these newsletters has been discussed ad nauseum in the past, and that they have been routinely dismissed for not being Dr. Paul's own writing, is undeniable, yet you somehow fail to mention it, just as you to fail to mention that he has been elected to ten congressional terms while Trent Lott was quickly ushered out of office for racially charged statements which were verifiably on record as being truly his own words. But this is only a small example of the lack of depth in your research, regardless of any arguments one might make about whether or not Dr. Paul should be held accountable for anything and everything written by those associated with him.

But for me, the most glaring issue is that you failed miserably in the one area that any journalist with a shred of integrity would know to do without fail, and this is to cross check your sources. The fact that you included no mention of any personal interviews you have had with anyone associated with Dr. Paul, or*any man to man discussions which you have had with Dr. Paul himself before going to press, is proof that you were either: (a) unprepared, or (b) had an agenda against Dr. Paul before you ever typed the first word of your article. The timing of your article on the day before the New Hampshire primary strongly suggests the latter (or both).

Lest we forget, this is a man who is running for the highest office in the land - a man with two decades worth of public service to our nation under his belt. Does this not afford him the common decency of a legitimate inquiry into the facts behind the situation before going to press with such potentially damaging and libelous statements? Did it ever occur to you that with all of Dr. Paul's history in public life to draw from, that you might come up with more damning evidence than just some fifteen to twenty year old photocopies of newsletters which he claims to have never even seen before they were published? Did it occur to you to mention one of the first men who popped into his mind when he was asked about potential running mates? Do a little research on Walter Williams if you're not familiar with him and feel free to get back to me.

How about interviewing any of the thousands of people that he has dealt with throughout his public life - his congressional staffers and colleagues, his constituents, his patients, others in the media, etc.? Did this ever cross your mind? Surely you could have come up with some more substantial evidence somewhere if the racism your article implies was true; he would have uttered something in public or written something that was undeniably his own writing to back up your claims. The fact that nearly everyone who has ever followed his career will assert that the articles in question do not sound like anything else he has ever stated or written is apparently lost on you. If even for a moment you really thought that Dr. Paul was evil incarnate, and that you could find some information that would bury his campaign once and for all, then didn't you owe it to yourself and your readers to do a more thorough job in your research? If 60 Minutes had done such a one sided expose with as little evidence as you offered, their credibility would have been irreparably damaged, but apparently you believe that you can just sling mud however you see fit and still call yourself a responsible journalist. Shame on you.

One of the more recent incidents that is often offered up as damning evidence of Dr. Paul's racism is his refusal to vote for a congressional memorial for Rosa Parks. Well, Mr. Kirchick, if you can find me the passage in our Constitution that allows our taxpayer dollars to be spent on memorials for every great human being that has ever lived (and there have been plenty of them), then your name will live on in history as a man who unearthed a part of an incredibly important historical document that had laid dormant for decades, if not centuries (and perhaps Congress might someday vote on a memorial in your honor). That Dr. Paul thinks so highly of Rosa Parks and the peaceful manner of civil disobedience that she embodied was clearly evident by his offer to personally pay for the memorial with his own money, and his suggestion that the other members of Congress do the same. Lest we forget, this was not the first time that Dr. Paul voted against a taxpayer funded memorial of this type. He also voted against one for a man named Ronald Reagan.

What is most ironic about all of this is that the staunch*freedom of speech and adherence to principles which*Dr. Paul so embodies is what led him to allow others to express opinions in those newsletters that were not necessarily his own - and what also makes it possible for you to write such an irresponsible hit piece. Did he make a mistake in allowing his name to remain at the top of newsletters bearing his name, when he was no longer in direct control of the content and which carried no bylines? Perhaps. In hindsight, would he have been better served to include a disclaimer to the effect of "The opinions expressed here are of those on my staff and/or colleagues and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Ron Paul"? Absolutely. But, although I don't agree with every view expressed in those newsletters, at least they offered up substantiated facts to back up most (if not all) of their positions. On the other hand, your kind of yellow journalism reeks of the type of smear campaigns that will only lead us further toward a world of intolerance and mob rule. In my mind, your piece was no more credible than any cover article on any one of the tabloids lining the aisles of my local grocery market.

Vincent Mross
Glendale, CA

01-11-2008, 04:20 PM
PLEASE actually don't post Jamie's email in this forum

If you've read any of my Gays & Lesbians for Ron Paul blog (http://gays-for-ron.blogspot.com/), you know that I'm hardly his friend, but we do NOT need for every Ron Paul supporter out there to start spamming him. Inevitably, someone will say something over the top and that one comment will be used against us all.