View Full Version : Civil Liberties...and how to lose them in one easy step

01-10-2008, 05:41 PM
If we hold any hope to salvage our once great nation, and find ourselves
struggling to find the answers, do we dare not overturn every rock,
open every cupboard, and shake every tree to find those answers?

Do we only look where we are "permitted" to look?

This thread is not meant to incite flame wars, troll, or any other
non productive activity.
It's purpose is simply to offer a glimpse into what went wrong with our nation,
and to possibly learn from the same process unfolding in yet another sovereign country.

Sometimes you have to observe from afar what you can't see up close.


In the words of Yogi Berra, "It's like Deja Vu all over again!":rolleyes:

Civil discussion please......