View Full Version : Divide and Conquer - don't fall for it!

01-10-2008, 08:23 AM
Title says it all, think BIG.
This was obviously fraud, so obvious it begs the question: "Was it intended to be found?"

Divide and conquer is a millenia-old and strategically valuable tool.
Let us not fall victim to it.
Let us practice the tolerance and civil discourse that the new age of freedom will demand of us.
Let us not bicker and attack each other.

All I am saying is arguing over the merits of demanding a recount is counter-productive. If you believe it has to be so, as I do, then simply state that and organize with like-minded people to accomplish that goal.

If you think we need to move on then MOVE ON, I don't think alot of minds are going to be changed at RPF at this point. If you do not want to pursue a recount then organize with like minded people and concentrate on other areas.

Above all, don't attack the trolls, IGNORE THEM, they are sent to divide us, and the more you FEED THEM THE STRONGER THEY BECOME. If you suspect a troll, PLEASE resist the urge to call them a newbie jerkoff, they may just as likely be a person who is new to the movement and is commenting off the cuff.

There are thousands of us here, stop the bickering, stop feeding troll suspects and just get together with those that agree and leave the others to their own agendas.

If we are to live in a reborn free society, we are all going to have to learn to practice a great deal of TOLERANCE, start NOW.