View Full Version : Recommendations - Greatest Presidents or Founding Fathers (billboard ad)

01-10-2008, 05:10 AM
I'm designing a Ron Paul billboard ad and wanted to get people's opinions on making some choices.

First, would an ad comparing Ron Paul to great U.S. Presidents of the past be more effective than say one comparing him to the Founding Fathers of our nation?

Second, which U.S. Presidents and Founding Fathers does Ron Paul best embody the spirit of?

Here are Wiki links to help you choose:

List of Presidents of the United States

List of signatories of the United States Constitution
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_signatories_of_the_United_States_Constitut ion


01-10-2008, 05:56 AM
Reagan would most likely resonate well with the GOP base, but it isn't entirely accurate.
Goldwater would be a good comparison, but he has very little name recognition.
Of the founding fathers, RP is closest to Thomas Jefferson.

I'd say if you had to go by which would be the most effect, Reagan would, albeit be the most inaccurate to RP's stances.