View Full Version : Confused?

01-09-2008, 12:03 PM
This post has a major focus with Michigan and other midwestern states, but could easily be translated to others. Focus on issues on individual states as Romney, Huck have done, but back it up with his awesome voting past to show we are the real candidate. We are not going to be able to sell the Constitutional message. Most people, majority, as you have hopefully seen from Iowa and NH decide in the last few days. Trying to get them to understand a foreign (sad that the Constitution is so foreign) concept will not occur. They don’t care about fliers or people standing in the streets. They care about themselves and how this candidate will help them. This understanding of what is affecting them is why they say they care less about the issues and more about the personality.

I am an independent from Ohio and we are in very similar situation with the economy in Michigan. He could take some of the Union democrats with a television ad, not radio (as not many non hard Fox conservatives listen to talk as shown with the downfall of the liberal network) about how he voted against NAFTA. This ad should be especially run during sporting events. If you have not seen from the polls we need to bring out our base which is young, middle/lower class, and male. And do not go into any longer message. He could get other democrats with an anti-war. It doesn't matter if he doesn't connect with the republican base right now. What he needs is a great showing so many will see he is viable. It is sad the campaign continues to fight for the Republican base as many of these are mindless Fox disciples. It takes to long to convert them with message, but if you can crack the message they have been sold that Dr. Paul is not viable we can start to get the ones who actually agree with a lot of his message. If we dispel the myth that Paul doesn’t have support then the eggshell (fox’s other media’s story) begins to crack and then slowly these voters will begin to break out of their false dream state and the egg will crumble.

The campaign needs to focus his message better to each individual state highlighting what sells in that state possibly even breaking down major television markets, (not just the republican base in open primaries) and we could start to see better numbers. We are the only campaign that still has some money (besides Romney's self-financed campaign). We could easily be a huge factor in the convention if not right out when this thing. If the campaign does not adopt this strategy why couldn’t we start funding some of these ads by grassroots?