View Full Version : How to win: small states + delegates

01-09-2008, 10:24 AM
I think it's clear that we're not going to take over 50% in the primaries. I think we'll do all right, but we won't walk away with it. But most likely, nobody else will either, so it'll be up to the delegates at the national convention.

However, to be eligible at the convention, Paul needs to take at least five states (according to http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=47114)

This suggests that we should focus a big chunk of our efforts on a few small states, to make darn sure we get the five we need.

The other campaigns will be fighting it out in the big states. Let 'em. We need to get our 5. Our war chest against their dregs should easily get them for us. Good options probably include Alaska, Montana, Idaho, North and South Dakota, as suggested here:

We need to write letters to those states, buy ads there, everything.

Then, it will be critically important that we really do get those delegates. But this is critical anyway, if we don't get that 50% of states. Everybody you know who's a solid supporter, even if they haven't been volunteering, make sure you get them to the precinct meetings. If you're not familiar with the rules in your state, get the way fast. Make sure your meetup knows all about it, and is organized and ready.

If we can win the straw polls, we can get our people elected as delegates. If we do that, and we have our five states, we can win this election.

If we also take some big states, all the better, but we must have five states and the delegates.


01-09-2008, 10:44 AM
Alaska : 29 delegates
Montana: 25 delegates
Idaho: 32 delegates
North Dakota: 26 delegates
South Dakota: 27 delegates

Total, 139 delegates, or under 5% of the total vote, and we have to win a majority of those delegates.. so.. 15, 13, 17, 14, 14.

So, the way I see it.. that'll give us between 2 and 5 percent. We need other big delegates too.

I think that we need to win twenty or thirty delegates from each of the states above sixty delegates.

That would give us 240 additional delegates.

I think we need to average 10 delegates from all the other states above 20 delegates save the five we mentioned..

That would give us 340 more delegates.

I think we need one or two out of the remaining 4 states, for 8 delegates.. bringing the total to

658 delegates, or a little over 28% of the delegates on the floor.