View Full Version : Thoughts on the future

01-08-2008, 10:45 PM
Ok, so here's what I'm thinking. Ron is an awesome guy. REALLY. I would LOVE for him to be president, because I'd trust the man. Unfortunately, Ron doesn't act very presidential. Humility these days is not an attribute that will win elections. This doesn't mean Ron needs to change. This DOES mean we need to find someone who can be aggressive. Someone who can call out the other candidates. Someone who isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. Someone who is as SICK AND FUCKING TIRED as I am with the current state of affairs.

I mean I want somebody to run who is pissed off and who won't care if he comes off a little mean. We need somebody who will call a spade a spade. Someone who will point out that McCain is just a former POW who has been a part of the problem for the last decade. Someone who will point out that Romney is a flip flopper who will change his message depending on the audience. And that he's a frigging Mormon (OH GOD I SAID THAT!!! :eek:). Someone who will call out Huckabee for being the fucking smooth talking idiot that he is, regardless of how many times he invokes Jesus.

I just get tired of the meekness of this campaign. Ron's done a lot in waking a lot of us up. Now it's time for someone to carry the torch all the way to Washington!