View Full Version : WHO are the Militia? Do we need it for Freedom?

07-20-2007, 12:24 PM
What is the militia?

"Go look in the mirror and you will have the answer. The militia, contrary to the insistence of the media, is not an "anti-government hate group." It is not a group of uneducated, backwoods, inbred, hicks who date their sisters. It is not made up of malcontents bent on destroying America. Militiamen are not misfits, they are not psychologically damaged mental defectives.

They are you...

The unorganized militia (legally speaking) is made up of "...all able bodied males between the ages of 17 and 45..." We are all militia. You, me, your dad, your neighbor, your brother, your boss, your dry cleaner, the mail man, the stock boy at the grocery store, the cook at your favorite restaurant, and the cable guy are all members of the unorganized militia.

You might be asking scratching your head thinking that we don't need a militia...what good can they do anyway. You ask, and I'll answer... It was the unorganized militia that brought down that plane in Pennsylvania on September 11 and prevented it from reaching it's target. Now I'll bet your saying, "What? Huh? That was just ordinary people." My point exactly. Ordinary people are the militia."

... to continue the article ... go to www.awrm.org/mission.htm

Are you working on your local communities' Citizen's Homeland Security Association?

Do you know how State Citizens can take personal responsibility for restoring our Constitution and Liberty?

Here's the manual which explains the only correct, right and proper Constitutional plan ...

Constitutional Homeland Security: A Call for Americans to Revitalize the Militia of the Several States. Volume I, The Nation in Arms by Dr. Edwin Vieira


- SL

The opinions and articles expressed and posted on these Ron Paul Forums are not necessarily the opinions expressed by the Ron Paul Forums or Ron Paul.

07-20-2007, 12:53 PM
I was wondering about this just the other day. It's time to join one I think. Great post.

07-20-2007, 02:27 PM
Militia should be the backbone of national defense.

I've thought about this subject a bit, and I think the principle of militia also leads to logical conclusions about what weapon rights are protected by the 2nd amendment.

I think the necessity of militia as the basis of defense policy implies that ordinary civilians should have the right to own personal firearms and personal combat equipment that is on par with whatever is standard issue for basic infantry troops of the professional military. So, the weapon standard can evolve with time, but the intent should be to allow militia to operate as basic infantry riflemen in an emergency.

07-20-2007, 02:29 PM
Unorganized, not disorganized. :D