View Full Version : I think the biggest issue will be electability

01-08-2008, 09:24 AM
It's fairly simple to get voter support for Ron Paul. Once people understand the problems, RP as a solution becomes self evident.

I think the fight we face at the individual voter level is electability. The old cliche of 'I don't want to throw my vote away' is prevalent in the minds of Americans.

How can we turn this around and make a case for electability?

01-08-2008, 09:27 AM
"T he old cliche of 'I don't want to throw my vote away' is prevalent in the minds of Americans "

It's a primary , I don't honestly believe that many people are thinking like this,

There is no Republican Frontrunner. Keep saying that to yourself and others.

In all honesty, there isn't; at least until Super Tuesday.

01-08-2008, 12:16 PM
I'm new on here, so pardon me jumping in.

I've had conversations with several people about this issue, and I've found that the best way to put it to get through to people is like this:

Voting based on electability undermines the democratic process. If you're going to vote for someone based on how many other people are voting for them, then this country might as well hand over their right to vote straight to the media, and kiss the democracy goodbye. No vote for freedom is ever a wasted vote. (Totally stole that from a bumper sticker, but its true)

Its worked for me in helping get out the message. Hope it helps someone else.

01-08-2008, 12:22 PM
Citing his fundraising success beyond any other candidate, coupled with the fact that he is not bought out by special interests, justifies him as an electable candidate, as he has more individual Americans donating to him than any other candidate.

Also mention how the fact that the mainstream media is owned by huge corporations, they have a natural bias agansit viewpoints that are not in the interests of these corporations. The corporate media gets advertising when more Americans are concerned about war and threats to our way of life. If they can help candidates that share these same views, which are contrary to the wishes of the American people, then they have incentive to see them win.

His placing in NH, improving from 5th in Iowa I'm sure, should help the viewpoint that he is building momentum, coupled with the fact that he has the war chest to keep fighting. :D