View Full Version : Fox Political News??????

01-08-2008, 06:18 AM
Recently there's been news reports about an incident among US and Iranian navy ships. Why would fox report this as political news on there web site??!?!??

01-08-2008, 06:26 AM
You're right, very weird that it's in the Politics section. There is a link in World/Iran but it isn't a top story there... hmmmm.

Thats all we need is another USS Cole incident. According the report five Iranian Revolutionary Guard "motorboats" were involved.

The spin in the story is that this proves Iran is unpredictable and "remains a threat".

h ttp://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,320587,00.html

01-08-2008, 06:42 AM
Recently there's been news reports about an incident among US and Iranian navy ships. Why would fox report this as political news on there web site??!?!??

This happened yesterday, and CNN covered it several times. WE almost shot at Iran's navy. Look for another Gulf of Tonkin incident. Pray that level heads prevail, and that no one does something bad to provoke a war!

01-08-2008, 06:43 AM
The title of this thread is an oxymoron. :D

I'd recommend "Fox Propaganda" instead.

01-08-2008, 01:11 PM
Here's why:

If you go to http://www.opensecrets.org you will find the following:

Clinton raised $90m for her campaign yet is currently $2.3m in debt (she can't even manage to run a campaign without going into debt, how the hell is she going to run the country?).

FOX "employees" donated $693,000 to Clinton . John Abernethy Fox Television CEO was one. Clinton also received donations from employees at CBS $15,350 ABC $17,450 NBC $28,000 & CNN $0.

It seems Fox's "employee" donations to Clinton far exceed any other broadcasting company employees donations. That could explain Fox ignoring Dr. Paul.

Dr. Paul on the other hand has received only one donation from a broadcasting company employee -CNN of $1250. I think CNN should give that employee a raise!