View Full Version : Please, stop with the money bombs... Donate now instead.

01-08-2008, 02:38 AM
Stop with the money bombs already! We broke the records, we're in the history books, and we didn't even get much media coverage for it second time around. No body in the media cares about it any more, and we aren't going to top the $6.4 million. We should be happy with what we did (and it was bloody awesome!).

Tea Party was the climax, we won't beat it because a lot of people maxed out that day so can't donate again, other people donated a lot and can't do another sizable amount. Also, I hear there are a few different money bomb ideas now and so because its all split up into multiple events they won't have the same number of people and thus no where near the same amount.

The campaign needs money NOW. So donate NOW. They can do a hell of a lot more good if you donate your $100 now instead of waiting until 2 days before super Tuesday. At the very least join one of the weekly payment bombs instead like ronpaulpayday.com or something. At least then the campaign will get a more constant flow of money.

Use your brain! Ron has asked us to donate now (http://ronpaul2008.typepad.com/ron_paul_2008/2008/01/how-do-i-say-th.html), so if you can, give them all you have!

And if you're stuck on the whole money bomb idea, think of it this way. The more people donate now, the HIGHER the average daily donation amount will be, and this will be an awesome reflection. I saw today (monday) they got like $100-$150k. If that can be done every day, that would be FAR more beneficial than a money bomb and the campaign can organize themselves more effectively.

Please, if you're planning to donate, do it now, not later.

01-08-2008, 02:54 AM

The only moneybomb I've seen plugged today is TODAY's Live Free or Die moneybomb

So yes, do donate today, right now.

01-08-2008, 02:55 AM
are we seeing a surge from all the recent television appearances and endorsements?

leno, stern, etc

01-08-2008, 04:10 AM
Yes, we've seen some surges from media coverage. The day after our strong 10% showing in Iowa, our donations were about twice the typical day. Several times in the last several days we've seen small peaks that correspond well to specific media exposures, such as after the ABC debate or coverage of the Town Hall.

We saw a surge starting 5:30 pm yesterday after Ron's e-mail message thanking us all and reminding us of the importance of raising funds now so the campaign can buy the advertising it needs in the Super Tuesday states early, while there is plenty of air time available.

Now, there's a NH primary money bomb, which I certainly endorse... I'd love to see us break the million dollar mark for the new quarter and zoom right on up to 1.5 or even 2 million by the time people are done absorbing the news on Friday!

It's time to give again, now! We need to give Ron's campaign at least half of the money they requested soon, because after mid-month is nearly too late. By all means, cap things off with a money bomb, but early money is crucial!

We just passed HALF A MILLION!!! WOOT! :D

For Liberty!

Mike D.

Electric Church
01-08-2008, 04:37 AM
Stop with the money bombs already! We broke the records, we're in the history books, and we didn't even get much media coverage for it second time around.

Do you really think millions of Ron Paul supporters are stupid enough to listen to a username on a computer forum with 72 posts tell them what to do with their finances?

"Stop the raising of millions of dollars in one day." "Stop breaking fundraising records." All you millions of Ron Paul supporters listen to Mr anonymous "username" with the 72 post and stop these record breaking million dollar contributions that Ron Paul keeps braggin about as one of the reasons why he should have participated in the Fox debate.

“Everybody donate now I say.” “Forget about the money bombs.”

Are you not embarrassed by how ridiculous you sound?

01-08-2008, 04:44 AM
wait, the money bomb for today is still on though right? :D

Electric Church
01-08-2008, 04:49 AM
wait, the money bomb for today is still on though right? :D

:D you know ....this truly is hilarious.