View Full Version : Do we deserve foreign oil?

01-07-2008, 08:03 AM
Given our arrogant foreign policy, do you think we deserve Middle East oil?

01-07-2008, 08:09 AM
Strange question. It's not a question of deserving (who decides anyway), but of the way of acquiring. Did you rob it or did you buy it? The first one is criminal, the second one surely isn't.

01-07-2008, 08:11 AM
I don't think the question is so strange. Bush and co. feel that we are entitled to oil and that we need to protect our assets in the area.

01-07-2008, 08:16 AM
So they claim ownership over the oil? I still think "deserving" is the wrong word. Let me rephrase it: "Do we own foreign oil?". Then the question is whose "we" (Halliburton?) and what are the requirements for legitimate owning.
If "we" is the USA and owning is trough homesteading, then i would say no.

01-07-2008, 11:16 AM
We don't need anyones foreign oil...

Canada has a few Trillion Barrels... and they're the 51 state... NAFTA DICTATES we get all we want first. before Canada can sell abroad...

There's a couple of trillion barrels in Coal Oil if they wish to process that! Germany has been doing it for 65 years...

There's 1.8 Trillion Barrels of Shale Oil in the Rockies...

We could go with the advanced Nuclear Reactor technology of France and Germany... the Bi-product reactive waste is 1/10 or 90% LESS than ANY of the current American Nuclear Power Plants.

It's all a SCAM... SHAME

Just look at the Commodities Market: Major Incident in the Gulf of Hormuz and OIL goes down? It's all what the INVESTMENT HOUSES/FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WANT TO DICTATE, right now, they have to stabilize because of so many RECESSION factors in the last 2 weeks.

PS: Also look at the recent history of Nov elections and the previous crude oil/inflationary consumer product pricings PRIOR (like the 120 days) to elections in the US...

The NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL wants to use up the worlds foreign oil first, prior to tapping in the US Reserves. Then, World Policy will be dictated by the US... the world will have no choice.

01-07-2008, 11:18 AM
As much as we can buy on the open market.

01-07-2008, 11:24 AM
I don't think it's a meaningful question. If you believe in the philosophy of liberty, then you must believe that any trade of justly acquired property between people voluntarily is necessarily 'good' for both parties.

Your question is sort of like "are we entitled to their oil?", and certainly we are not, if we acknowledge that the oil is their property. Nobody is entitled to anyone else's property, ever.

If they agree to trade us a useful resource, in exchange for pretty slips of paper, then we deserve as much as they want to sell.