View Full Version : An Open Letter to Dr. Paul

01-07-2008, 01:51 AM
Honorable Dr. Paul,

Now is the time to lead! We need you to shine. Tomorrow as Fox excludes you, you will have a spotlight shined on you. We need you to take advantage of this. The New Hampshire Townhall meeting is a great video, but we need more.

We need you to give the most inspirational speech you have ever given. Something in the vein of your "Neoconned" speech before Congress, but more in the spirit of Reagan's A Time For Choosing! speech. Simply, because this is a time for choosing. A time for choosing between Corporate and Grassroots. A time for choosing between a "Nanny State Foreign Policy" and a Strong Foreign Policy. A time for choosing between a Weak Dollar and a Strong Dollar. A time for choosing between a Nanny State Domestic Policy and a Responsible Domestic Policy. A time for choosing between Increasing Government Control and Increasing We the People's Control. A time for choosing between Increasing Government Rights and Increasing Civil Rights. A time for choosing between Government Healthcare and Healthcare Choice. A time for choosing between Fascism and Freedom.

I know it is not your favored format. However, the people need to be inspired to vote for you. They need to see your leadership ability to have confidence in you. They need to hear your clear and present VISION, because that is what feeds the Hope you offer.

We the People need to hear your Clear and Present Vision. The Hopeful Vision you offer. We already know the problems this country faces. We need to see the Future you offer as the Solution. You need to Paint that Vision in Our minds' Eye.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you,
Jeff Chapin

01-07-2008, 02:02 AM
I can't wait to Hear Dr Paul's speach on this!

01-07-2008, 02:06 AM
Bump, I would have liked to have seen him talk about his vision for the future. Of course, they excluded him from the debate that actually focused on the future. Hopefully this Jan 10 in SC, Fox will not exclude him and he'll have an opportunity to put this into play.

01-08-2008, 06:00 PM
bump and spread to campaign