View Full Version : Who' Afraid Of Ron Paul

01-06-2008, 03:51 PM
Please feel free to copy this to other outlets to raise awareness about Dr. Paul

Why is everyone running for president scared of Ron Paul? When I say this, I don’t believe that any of the majors are scared that Dr. Paul is going to take them down in the race, but they seemed to be unnerved by his message of adhering to that tired old document the Constitution. Now when Dr. Paul raises serious concerns about our foreign policy, it is met with snickers and jeers by his fellow republicans. He is the only member of Congress to vote against the invasion of Iraq. It seems to me that it is easy to feel the pulse of the American people now, and say, “Let’s get out”, but it took great courage to vote his conscience back in 2002.
Hillary has since flip-flopped her position recently on Iraq after her campaign’s internal polling data confirms that Dr. Paul’s message of non-interventional foreign policy is catching traction. She is emblematic of rest, so don’t think I’m just picking on her. We backed the Taliban when they fought the Soviets, we backed Hussein when he took care of Iran for us, but now it leaves us burying 6,000 of our fellow American men and woman, to clean up the despots that we funded in the first place.
With his concerns about the IRS, Dr. Paul has been laughed at during the debates for suggesting that we can dismantle the IRS. The Wall Street Journal has recently defended Ron Paul’s position that if we abolished the income tax, the US federal government would have to go back to the spending levels of the Dark Ages….1995!!! Why would any politician in his right mind want to hand back their open checkbook, maybe because it is constitutional?
Dr. Paul has long questioned the Federal Reserve and what they are up to behind closed doors. There is nothing federal, and there are no reserves, I guess it is all in the name though. We as American have long been afflicted by the hidden tax called inflation. Anyone who lived through the 1970s remembers 18% inflation per year. What that really means is that YOUR money lost 18% of its purchasing power per year. Your reward for being disciplined enough to save $100 in 1978, was the ability to only be able to purchase $82 worth of goods one year later. Not a tax, I think so.
Money manipulation is not some far flung academic concept, it hits us right here at home. We see the effects of fed policy after the fact, as the foreclosure notices are posted in our communities. If politicians had not decided that everyone should own a home, and the fed had not complied with a fed funds rate of 1% for nearly nine months, would we be here today. Now, the answer is to subsidize the folks who could not afford the payment to start with, and who picks up the bill, you do! At the same time if your neighbor losses their home to foreclosure you’re home losses real value. This is the problem of having the private “Federal Reserve” manipulate our money supply, we pay the price. But it is part in parcel for Washington, run up the tab and pass the bill to the next generation. Our national debt is only 9 trillion dollars ($9,000,000,000,000). Can you look your children in the eye, and tell them, “that your problem”? The answer is always print more money and sell future debt to foreign nations, has anyone asked what happens when they stop buying our bonds? Ron Paul has and has a plan for the future.
I encourage everyone reading this to please take the time to read up on Ron Paul’s positions at his website. www.ronpaul2008.com Anyone so detested by everyone in Washington must be asking the right questions. Thank you and God bless.

Indy Vidual
01-06-2008, 03:52 PM
Congressman Ron Paul: Archives (http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul-arch.html) (Dr. Ron Paul in his own words and brilliant writings)
