View Full Version : Dealing with the Mainstream Media

Bob Cochran
05-21-2007, 02:12 PM
The Mainstream Media (MSM) and the GOP seem to be terrified of Dr. Paul. They are doing their best to try to suppress him, discredit him, ignore him, and hope he'll go away.

Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity are part of the crew who would like to stifle Dr. Paul's campaign. It burns me to no end that they are trying to paint him as part of the "I hate America" club, when he served honorably as an Air Force flight surgeon and has a distinguished, consistent, principle-based record as a US Congressman.

What's sad is that so many people appear to believe there is no effective way to combat the MSM and GOP efforts to push Dr. Paul aside.

Besides blogging and posting on forums, and using our own web sites (those of us who maintain them) to get the word out about Dr. Paul, what are some really effective things we can do to try to overwhelm the MSM and GOP so that they cannot ignore Dr. Paul?

Or does his campaign have enough steam already that he is a force to be reckoned with no matter what?

I hope to see some good thoughts posted here.


Bob C

05-21-2007, 02:20 PM
I have just been spreading by word of mouth.

I did hear some stories of people with bumper stickers and T-Shirts that got some people asking them questions.

My big push is each time there is a TV apearance by Dr. Paul I make sure to let everyone I know see or meet know when it is what local chanel it is on and what time.

I try to do it low key low pressure just check this guy out kind of thing. I did get my boss to watch the first debate, I got another co-worker interested by printing out and distibuting his weekly column right after the VT tragedy. I print his weekly comments out and try and keep a few with me at all times so if anyone wants to know more I have something with me.

Also now that I have signed up here I will point people in this direction to get answers to questions.