View Full Version : Fox News Said Germany HUGELY Interested in Ron Paul

01-05-2008, 04:38 PM
Not kidding. I hope someone caught that on YouTube.

01-05-2008, 04:39 PM
What did they mean? Why only Germans?

01-05-2008, 04:40 PM
Was it done in a positive light or was it the typical fox spin with something like "Home of the Nazi Party thinks Paul is great"? I would not put it past those morons to do something like that!

01-05-2008, 04:41 PM
They were talking about how the rest of the world is extremely focussed on this presidential election. An Indian lady said it's very important who wins because of relations around the world. Then a German lady said the same thing about Germany and how the focus is all on Ron Paul. :)

01-05-2008, 04:41 PM
i dont even watch fox that often, hour after hour of coverage and they never mention or SHOW Paul, they don't deserve our viewership

01-05-2008, 04:41 PM
What did they mean? Why only Germans?

Must be hyping up another Ron Paul is secretly a Nazi smear story... :rolleyes: :p

01-05-2008, 04:41 PM
I saw that too , fox guy asked if ther was a caucus in Berlin who would win and the german reporter said "Ron Paul"

It was a review of foreign journos on the campaign.

01-05-2008, 04:41 PM
The were asking foreigners about the US election and two ladies from germany said they would like to see a Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich ticket. :)

01-05-2008, 04:43 PM
Not kidding. I hope someone caught that on YouTube.

They must be talking about me since I spammed all
Fox Emails several times... :D

01-05-2008, 04:44 PM
I saw that too , fox guy asked if ther was a caucus in Berlin who would win and the german reporter said "Ron Paul"

It was a review of foreign journos on the campaign.

Maybe it will take us getting as deep into socialism as most of Europe is before more people realize how great Ron Paul is.

On the other hand, i will fight my hardest to see that NEVER happens. Get the word out people, most Americans do not know the positions of RP, most will be al ears when you tell them. The American people are starved for a change, don't let the media tell them Obama is the only choice for change.

01-05-2008, 04:44 PM
That is fantastic.... IF all else fails I call for a Ron Paul suporter invasion of Germany lol.... These people seem to have their head on straight... at least in that department!

all J's in IL for RP
01-05-2008, 04:45 PM
Why are you still watching Fox News?:mad::D

01-05-2008, 04:45 PM

01-05-2008, 04:46 PM
If they were serious that is very cool

01-05-2008, 04:49 PM
Why are you still watching Fox News?:mad::D

I want to see more on the Barack Obama bodyguard who pushed Orielly around. :D

01-05-2008, 04:49 PM
If they had any cojones they would have mentioned http://www.whowouldtheworldelect.com/


01-05-2008, 04:51 PM

Danke, Germany and Switzerland! :cool:

01-05-2008, 04:57 PM
Ask the Germans around Spangdalem and Ramstein Air Bases and I bet you would not hear as many takers to his message because of how good we are for their economy; and the fact that we have been living with them over there for 60 years and are more of less friends because of how good we have been to them. I know because I visit these places monthly.

01-05-2008, 05:01 PM
Ask the Germans around Spangdalem and Ramstein Air Bases and I bet you would not hear as many takers to his message because of how good we are for their economy

That's actually true.

01-05-2008, 05:02 PM
The were asking foreigners about the US election and two ladies from germany said they would like to see a Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich ticket. :)

Again showing that very few foreigners actually understand American politics. :(

It's alright though, they are both straight shooters, and that certainly is rare in America. Or anywhere actually.

01-05-2008, 05:08 PM
That's cool, but we need Americans!

01-05-2008, 05:08 PM

Danke, Germany and Switzerland! :cool:

Bitte Bitte (you're welcome!)

cheers from Switzerland

01-05-2008, 05:12 PM
I can assure all of you that there is a complete European wide freezout of Ron Paul - there has been almost nothing brought in the MSM news in Germany - and I mean nothing - I have personally written to every news agency - nothing, not even an answer! they are keeping thier mouths shut and sticking to the Neocon Plan - you hear only 4 names - Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and now Huckabee because he won Iowa....no more no less. you can be sure that Bushs favorite German girlfriend (Angela Merkel) will continue the Neocon paln under the radar - for those who do not know where most of the Neocon tactics and plans were formed since decades...its Germany (and the Royal british / netherlands / spanish etc. etc. families) in Europe they like to keep the agenda on the downlow...they dont want you to find out what is going on....(I should know I live in Europe...but am American) not like in the states where it is now since Bush and his complete corrupt regime "in your face" I am guessing that in America they really dont care that we know(or are waking up)....it may be already to late to reverse it....and what are the poeple going to do about it? not much it would seem....,most cant be bothered - that is why for me at least it is elect Ron Paul (if they dont fraud us on the vote again) or our last chance at a reversal of losing all of our rights is gone! at which time, I would hope the revolution goes underground and becomes (with the help of the true patriots, veterans, and acting military personal) militant until we have eliminated the problems one by one, starting with the CFR, Trillateral Commision, PNAC Cronies, and basically every snake that graces the executive branch. I am sure there are plenty CIA, FBI, and other Agents that are tired of having to do dirty work and will return the favor to the guilty parties...at least we can hope.

01-05-2008, 05:17 PM
Also der Name Ron Paul taucht immer wieder auf in Kommentarbereichen zu Artikeln über die US-Wahlen.

This was German. :D

I said i often read the name of Ron Paul in comments to onlinearticels about the US-Election.

And the most of them are angry that also the german press censors him.

In the report of the evening news about Iowa they also said not even one word about Ron Paul.

01-05-2008, 05:20 PM
- Also der Name Ron Paul taucht immer wieder auf in Kommentarbereichen zu Artikeln über die US-Wahlen.

Ja, aber Nie!!!!!!!! im fernsehen! ich würde denken zumindest auf Spiegel TV, Stern TV, oder NTV oder was auch immer....habe aber selbst noch gar nichts gesehen...und ich habe alle miteinander geschrieben - auch unseren freunde beim:

http://bavaria-for-ron-paul.blogspot.com/ machen druck beim MSM sowiet ich weiss.

ist mehr als schade!!!!!

01-05-2008, 05:25 PM
Wie - ihr lest deutsche Nachrichten während der Ron Paul Kampagne?
Hab seit Monaten keine deutschen Nachrichten mehr verfolgt.

Warum auch? :D

01-05-2008, 05:26 PM
youtube? bitte

01-05-2008, 05:27 PM
I don't speak a word of German.

But I do speak Southern US, so....

Hi, Y'all! Glad to have y'all with us in this R(evol)ution!


01-05-2008, 05:27 PM
Ja JoBurke da hast du recht. Da kannst du sämtliche Sender abklappern, du wirst keinen finden der in seinen Berichten und Nachrichten den Namen Ron Paul erwähnt.

Das regt mich auch schon die ganze Zeit auf:mad:

Das Probem ist, dass Ron Paul in einer der Wahlen vor dem Super Tuesday mal ein Ausrufezeichen setzen MUSS.

Wenn er in New Hampshire nicht unter die Top 3 oder besser wäre ein Platz 2, kommt, siehts düster aus.

Ich meine in NH wurde die meiste Arbeit gesteckt, wenn da jetzt nicht was mit Aussagekraft kommt, wird es schwer sein die Menschen in den Staaten am 5. Februar zu überzuegen, dass Ron Paul wirklich eine Chance hat.

01-05-2008, 05:35 PM
I saw that too , fox guy asked if ther was a caucus in Berlin who would win and the german reporter said "Ron Paul"

It was a review of foreign journos on the campaign.

Why is the hell do you guys continue to watch FOX. Do you not understand what a BOYCOTT is?

01-05-2008, 05:36 PM
Ja JoBurke da hast du recht. Da kannst du sämtliche Sender abklappern, du wirst keinen finden der in seinen Berichten und Nachrichten den Namen Ron Paul erwähnt.

Das regt mich auch schon die ganze Zeit auf:mad:

Das Probem ist, dass Ron Paul in einer der Wahlen vor dem Super Tuesday mal ein Ausrufezeichen setzen MUSS.

Wenn er in New Hampshire nicht unter die Top 3 oder besser wäre ein Platz 2, kommt, siehts düster aus.

Ich meine in NH wurde die meiste Arbeit gesteckt, wenn da jetzt nicht was mit Aussagekraft kommt, wird es schwer sein die Menschen in den Saaten am 5. Februar zu überzuegen, dass Ron Paul wirklich eine Chance hat.

Naja, ehrlich gesagt find ich die naive Einstellung, das Internet
sei das ultimative Wahltool, als größtes Defizit der Supporter hier.
Die leidenschaftliche Faszination im Internet hat sich nicht so richtig
in reale Wähler transformiert - und das wird auch so bleiben solange
Leute lieber Online-Polls manipulieren, Artikel diggen, Blimps steigen
lassen und auf den Moneybomb-thrill setzen. All das ist irrelevant
um reale Wähler zu werben...

New Hampshire war die Bestätigung dafür.

01-05-2008, 05:42 PM
das ist wohl war - aber ein noch wichtigere frage - wie tief stecken wir in Deutschland drin? bald wie Amerika? wenn ich RTL anschaue...ist fast wie Sat 1 / Pro Sieben

habe sogar diesen website endeckt - http://infokrieg.tv/ (ist fast wie infowars.com)
sehr interessant meine ich....

viele zussamenhänge!


01-05-2008, 05:44 PM
Naja, ehrlich gesagt find ich die naive Einstellung, das Internet
sei das ultimative Wahltool, als größtes Defizit der Supporter hier.
Die leidenschaftliche Faszination im Internet hat sich nicht so richtig
in reale Wähler transformiert - und das wird auch so bleiben solange
Leute lieber Online-Polls manipulieren, Artikel diggen, Blimps steigen
lassen und auf den Moneybomb-thrill setzen. All das ist irrelevant
um reale Wähler zu werben...

New Hampshire war die Bestätigung dafür.

Für Oliver:

es gibt schon lange denn wünsch in Berlin unseren Internet wesentlich zu beschränken!

01-05-2008, 05:45 PM
Must be hyping up another Ron Paul is secretly a Nazi smear story... :rolleyes: :p

Yeah Fox News is very good at playing to the lowest common denominator. They may not come and say it, or even imply it, but they know with their "regulars" and the level of intellectual exercise that their average viewer applies to anything they say. To many, Germany = Nazi at least on a subconscious level.

Its really sad too how indellibly linked Germany has become to that era. They had a strong tradition of classical liberal thinkers and a Federal system of affiliated tribal states. That was before the Napoleonic invasions caused the German culture to become nationalistic in response and turned it into a hotbed of nationalistic/centralized authoritarian power (even long before Hitler).

Its just another instance of "Blowback" in history...how French imperial interventionism set back libertarianism in Germany.

01-05-2008, 05:47 PM
I love and miss Germany.

01-05-2008, 05:49 PM
I have relatives in Germany and communicate with them almost daily online. They are all for Ron Paul and knew about him before I ever mentioned his name.

In Europe they are already seeing firsthand how a dictatorship government can ruin things for the common person. The European Union is already in place and they are pissed off about it.

In the USA they see movements like that of Ron Paul as not just a way to save America, but a way to spread the message of liberty in hopes that it can once again take hold over there.

Most of my German relatives have treated the USA as sort of a final stand. If liberty can not win here, then it won't win anywhere.

Oh yeah... and they're pretty pissed about our involvement in Iraq.

01-05-2008, 05:51 PM
Naja, ehrlich gesagt find ich die naive Einstellung, das Internet
sei das ultimative Wahltool, als größtes Defizit der Supporter hier.
Die leidenschaftliche Faszination im Internet hat sich nicht so richtig
in reale Wähler transformiert - und das wird auch so bleiben solange
Leute lieber Online-Polls manipulieren, Artikel diggen, Blimps steigen
lassen und auf den Moneybomb-thrill setzen. All das ist irrelevant
um reale Wähler zu werben...

New Hampshire war die Bestätigung dafür.

Du meinst Iowa war die Bestätigung dafür oder? ;)

Aber da hast du recht.

Man hat sich selbst durch diese ganzen Internetaktionen seine reale Stärke extrem vernebelt.

Ich meine wir können natürlich einen Blick von oben auf die ganze Situation werfen und da kann ich absolut nicht einschätzen wie groß der Support denn jetzt wirklich ist.

Wie gesagt muss sich diese vermeintlich große Basis jetzt auch mal deutlich zu erkennen geben, wenn sie wirklich so groß ist.

Das Ergebnis in Iowa von quasi 0 auf 10% ist natürlich sehr gut.

Aber in NH MUSS jetzt wie gesagt deutlich was passieren.

Die Kampagne muss in gewissen Dingen auch noch mehr angreifen.

Die Aussage von McCain mit den 100 Jahren Krieg im Irak muss man knallhart einsetzen.

Man muss den Wählern die aktulle Situation extremer vor Augen führen.

Was den Dollar angeht, wie die Medien Ron Paul absichtlich ignorieren.

Man muss langsam anfangen aggressiver in den Wahlkampf zu gehen.

01-05-2008, 06:03 PM
Ami's sind wunderbar (Klar ich bin eine) aber jetzt hat shon 60 jahre geleuft. Ich glaub wir haben der richtig zeit erriecht fur die zolldaten raus zu drucken.

Es tut mir leid. Habe seit vielen jahren kien Deustch geschriben/sproken.

Ich vermiss euch alle, besonders den aus Bitburg, Trier, and Kaiserslautern.

01-05-2008, 06:04 PM
Du meinst Iowa war die Bestätigung dafür oder? ;)

Aber da hast du recht.

Man hat sich selbst durch diese ganzen Internetaktionen seine reale Stärke extrem vernebelt.

Ich meine wir können natürlich einen Blick von oben auf die ganze Situation werfen und da kann ich absolut nicht einschätzen wie groß der Support denn jetzt wirklich ist.

Wie gesagt muss sich diese vermeintlich große Basis jetzt auch mal deutlich zu erkennen geben, wenn sie wirklich so groß ist.

Das Ergebnis in Iowa von quasi 0 auf 10% ist natürlich sehr gut.

Aber in NH MUSS jetzt wie gesagt deutlich was passieren.

Die Kampagne muss in gewissen Dingen auch noch mehr angreifen.

Die Aussage von McCain mit den 100 Jahren Krieg im Irak muss man knallhart einsetzen.

Man muss den Wählern die aktulle Situation extremer vor Augen führen.

Was den Dollar angeht, wie die Medien Ron Paul absichtlich ignorieren.

Man muss langsam anfangen aggressiver in den Wahlkampf zu gehen.


01-05-2008, 06:04 PM
Oh yeah... and they're pretty pissed about our involvement in Iraq.

And that, right there, is the REAL reason why we're in Iraq. To intentionally antagonize world opinion through interventionism... that and to destroy the military capability of the United States.

01-05-2008, 06:25 PM
Germans are very progressive on the environment as well.

For all the Germans who may be reading this thread:

We just launched (yesterday) a grassroots project for Dr. Paul which is specifically designed to convert enormous numbers from the otherwise heavily guarded territory of the "still-wistful-for-Gore" Left (of which I used to count myself as one). There are a lot of talking points, after the spiel about the project itself, which folks can use in their own efforts as well; particularly in regards to overcoming the objections many people on the left still have in regards to Dr. Paul's stance on the environment.

If folks think those talking points will prove useful for themselves, we're asking them to consider helping us make the same message to the entire country, but there's a little reading to do, so I want to encourage folks to just enjoy the thoughts expressed regardless! =)

It's a totally new kind of hybrid media-driven event, for which we've partnered with numerous talents, including Adam Franklin (aka frankdogg), James Gucciardo, and even Depeche Mode has granted us the free use of an incredibly spine-tingling track for our music (valued at $30,000.00 per airing!)!

Thanks to our additional partnership with Yahoo!, via the Give2Network, folks don't even have to spend a dime to actually help us make this project a reality either; thanks to a snazzy little charity searchbar they gave us (if they can't otherwise spare the ten bucks we're actually asking for to make it all a reality).

Please check us out at http://sleepingnatives.org. There's a little reading involved, but not much. If you read the entire site you'll understand how stupendously effective this project could really be for Dr. Paul's campaign. We feel people are forgetting about the gigantic pool of Ron Paul sympathizers from the left who voted for Gore in 2000, but who don't yet understand how Dr. Paul's stance could actually help the environment better than even Gore's! Just imagine the flood of support that would ensue if they got that message loud and clear!

Please help us and spread the word if you like what you see! =)

Yours in Peace,
Philip de Souza

01-05-2008, 06:38 PM
I can assure all of you that there is a complete European wide freezout of Ron Paul - there has been almost nothing brought in the MSM news in Germany - and I mean nothing - I have personally written to every news agency - nothing, not even an answer! they are keeping thier mouths shut and sticking to the Neocon Plan - you hear only 4 names - Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and now Huckabee because he won Iowa....no more no less. you can be sure that Bushs favorite German girlfriend (Angela Merkel) will continue the Neocon paln under the radar - for those who do not know where most of the Neocon tactics and plans were formed since decades...its Germany (and the Royal british / netherlands / spanish etc. etc. families) in Europe they like to keep the agenda on the downlow...they dont want you to find out what is going on....(I should know I live in Europe...but am American) not like in the states where it is now since Bush and his complete corrupt regime "in your face" I am guessing that in America they really dont care that we know(or are waking up)....it may be already to late to reverse it....and what are the poeple going to do about it? not much it would seem....,most cant be bothered - that is why for me at least it is elect Ron Paul (if they dont fraud us on the vote again) or our last chance at a reversal of losing all of our rights is gone! at which time, I would hope the revolution goes underground and becomes (with the help of the true patriots, veterans, and acting military personal) militant until we have eliminated the problems one by one, starting with the CFR, Trillateral Commision, PNAC Cronies, and basically every snake that graces the executive branch. I am sure there are plenty CIA, FBI, and other Agents that are tired of having to do dirty work and will return the favor to the guilty parties...at least we can hope.

This is absolutely true

There is a Europe wide ban on any discussion or editorial content in any European and British newspapers. The whole media is under the control of the globalists and their agenda for world control

01-05-2008, 06:40 PM
I saw that too , fox guy asked if ther was a caucus in Berlin who would win and the german reporter said "Ron Paul"

It was a review of foreign journos on the campaign.


01-05-2008, 06:40 PM
Some European media take an ethnic interest in our presidential candidates. Ron Paul is of German ancestry. The French press was interested in Ross Perot because of his French ancestry. Debrett's Peerage always tracks the genealogy of any candidate with English roots, such as Kerry and Bush. The Irish press has done some articles about Barack Obama because of his Irish ancestors.

01-05-2008, 06:44 PM
Ron Paul would win in The Netherlands as well, without any doubt.

01-05-2008, 07:17 PM
German here aswell... sadly I doubt Ron Paul is that well know here in Germany. The "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" (biggest newspaper here, which I read) didn't even mention his name today. He really needs to get 3rd before Hucabee in NH to get attention and become the new underdog people start rooting for.

01-05-2008, 07:20 PM
It is clear Germany needs to be added to the axis of evil for this outrage.