View Full Version : Call To Action: Email Tonight Show

07-17-2007, 10:48 PM
Rudy went on the tonight show with Jay Leno very early in his campaign and it drew huge name recognition, especially with the older pollable crowds. I really firmly believe if we can get Ron Paul on there he can skyrocket in the polls as well.

Please help me with this endevour!
Go to: http://www.nbc.com/Footer/Contact_Us/
Under the first scroll box. click and select The Tonight Show With Jay Leno
Send a polite and nice email asking them to put the good doctor on the show and state a reason why.
Click the button. :)

Here's what I wrote to them. Don't copy exactly what I put, just use it as a polite guide. (btw i'm not a big fan of the show I just think it would be premo exposure).

Hi Jay and Associates,
First, I am a big fan, thanks for the 15 years of comedy! I was hoping you guys/gals would consider a very special guest request of mine. I would absolutely love to see presidential candidate Ron Paul on your show. He is funny, smart and has a lot of great stuff to say. I think he would make for a great show.

If your not familiar here's a clip of him on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart
He did a fantastic job.

He was also on the Colbert Report

Thanks so much for listening to a fan,

Thanks for all your help guys!

Remember, the late night lineup has more viewers than the mainstream news!
Lets beat them at their own game!

07-18-2007, 06:49 AM
Done. Thanks for the heads up!

07-19-2007, 12:32 AM