View Full Version : "CHANGE" The theme word for the past week !! "CHANGE"

01-04-2008, 10:34 PM
Remember that word. Seems as though OBAMA uses it all the time, then I say a Hillary sign say "CHange " in it. Huckleberry has used "CHNAGE" alot.

So I ask why are they copying RP? These people toss the word "CHANGE " around like they really mean CHANGE. Only RP is REAL CHANGE! Not a CFR memeber, not bought by Corporate and Lobbyists, and represents JOE LUNCHBOX.

I sure hope these phony candidates stop using the word change!

Last night I even heard the "REPUBLICAN REVOLUTION" being tossed around by huckleberry. Man the copying is getting blantant!

Only 1 true COnservative that is RP. As to LOU DOBBS I use to watch his show all the time bt when you tell me that he does not know of a candidate talking about the USD, I say goodbye LOU, you imho are a sellout.