View Full Version : Howard Stern

01-04-2008, 09:25 PM
This is by no means an original idea, but maybe the campaign could consider trying to get Dr. Paul booked on the Howard Stern show. Suprisingly HS and Dr. Paul have overlapping views on many issues. Also HS has run for gov of NY as a libertarian in the past, so the leanings are there. Nobody has ripped on this war more than HS, a point that he would most certainly agree with RP. Howard reaches millions of people a day, and I think the forum is friendly to RP. Dr. Paul's ideas are radical for most sheeple, and need ample time for explaination. The 30 second spot, and the 2 minutes of debate time do not translate well for the average person. "Do away with the IRS", leaves most people scratching thier heads saying, "where does the money come from then?" They need to have it explained to them the reasons why it should have never been in the first place. Dr. Paul's problem is that everyone else in running for President, and he is re-educating America. HE NEEDS TO APPEAR ON FORUMS THAT ALLOW HIM TO DEVELOP IDEAS, NOT BE CUT OFF EVERY TEN SECONDS WHEN HE SAYS SOMETHING OUTSIDE THE HOSTS' REALM.

01-04-2008, 11:00 PM
In my opinion, a Howard Stern appearance would be a last ditch hail mary.

Howard could be used to help spread the message, but during an election, the mere fact that Ron apprared on the show would turn a lot of people off. Keep in mind a big part of Howard's listenership is in NYC, very liberal, they can't envision life without taxes or free handouts.

I listen regularly, as I am sure you do. It would make for great radio no doubt! But it would be a crapshoot. In my opinion not worth the potential bad press.

I think viewers emailing him and mentioning similarities is a very good idea though! Let Howard start talking the guy up and creat a buzz. Shit, he almost got Sanjaya American Idol.

Maybe Ron could give a gynecological check-up to some porn stars or something? :-) Now THAT would be funny in a bizzaro world!

01-05-2008, 01:34 AM
Hi Chem-man, I have to respectfully disagree. If you are familiar with the HS show, you’ll remember that they have a ton of Pols on the show in the midst of campaigning in the past. Rudy, Pataki, Bloomberg, Whitman, the Govenator, etc, all to their benefit. I also think it would show the personal side of Dr. Paul, whom to me seems like an exceptionally nice man, with a great sense of humor. But what may be getting lost here is not so much getting on Stern, but a forum like that. Dr. Paul needs to:
1) create name recognition to as many, as fast as possible
2) espouse and explain his positions
3) and link the first two together to seal the deal
Now let’s get out there and win NH!!!

01-05-2008, 01:40 AM
Although it would be good airtime. I don't think that the conservative audience that we are trying to appeal to would appreciate it so much.