View Full Version : Focus negativity and frustration - Into Positive action on the ground

01-04-2008, 08:11 PM

Do it, click it. You'll feel better.


There's no reason not to sign up.

Precinct Captain system aka "Grassroots Central" is going live on Saturday 1/5/2007. Be a part of it, and focus your energy in the same direction as all Ron Paul supporters, focus on getting the vote out in your precinct!

What is Ron Paul Grassroots Central?

It's a powerful new tool to enable Ron Paul supporters to actively, methodically get out the Ron Paul vote all across America. After signing up, you'll become a Precinct Leader and you'll be in charge of about 1,000 voters. It's a big job, but if everyone does it just this once, we will win the Republican nomination. Please join today!

Going officially live tomorrow:

Chat about it here: