View Full Version : Google Trends analysis of Ron Paul

05-21-2007, 10:58 AM
I took a look this morning and it seems that Ron Paul's biggest google traffic is comming from my home area.

Google Trends of Ron Paul and other Candidates (http://www.google.com/trends?q=ron+paul%2C+rudy+guiliani%2C+mitt+romney% 2C+john+mccain&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all)

The lower graph by city is normalized so Ron is not really beating out everyone else but if I read it correctly, there is a lot of interest here.

The order of the cities is determined by search volume of the first candidate in the comma seperated list. You can see if you change the order that much of McCain's traffic is from DC, etc. Expected trends. I did not know that I am in a hotbed of Ron Paul support. If this is true, we need to really mobilize here.


05-21-2007, 11:15 AM
The only bad thing is the traffic reports are 3-4 months old.... :(

05-21-2007, 11:15 AM
Welcome- that is an excellent link, haven't seen Googles work on this before. For sure, FL looks like the place to be for Ron Paul support! Great news no doubt, I'm glad to see Houston up there.

Be sure to go sign up at:
and over here:

We are already mobilizing well with ronpaul.meetup.com in the Houston area, that's where this forum came from! (Thanks Josh!) There are so many people ready for serious change- now is the time! We're doing it!