View Full Version : Renewed Hope!

01-04-2008, 04:56 PM
So I am having coffee at a local cafe, and a photographer asks to take pics of me and my wife and a little interview for Cin Weekly about coffee, after he asks his questions I whip out a liberty card and start interviewing him.

Guy is a lifelong dem and supports Kucinich, but told me he is seriously considering crossing lines for Paul if Dennis drops out by 3-4 (Ohio open primary) because he doesn't like any of the top 3.

After that I drive back home via a new route and pass 3 Ron Paul signs, keep in mind the ONLY ones I had seen in all of Ohio before today were the two in my lawn.

I am going over to that very liberal area tomorrow with my wife from 2-5 we have agreed. Everyone here make a commitment to canvass for 3 hours minumum tomorrow, male and female partners work best, dress nice casual and use methods outlined in above youtubes, they work.

The message IS spreading, people ARE receiving it well, and our BIGGEST enemies are ignorance and apathy.

I for one have a renewed resolve, I hope everyone here can share it.