View Full Version : Not trying to pile on, but...

01-04-2008, 12:47 PM
I am frustrated with official campaign. Who compilted the list of addresses/names for the letter writing? Whoever did that is who I am frustrated with.

I may be in a minority, but of the 60 letters I mailed I have gotten 24 back,

I expected a few but now every day I get the mail there are 3 or 4 R.T.S. or unable to forwards.

So, I think letter writing is not all that effective. How do you get a list of people to call, that I am willing to do, but I won't write any more letters.

Feet on the street canvassing is IMO the most effective way.

Sorry to vent but I got 5 more Iowan unable to forwards and I am pissed I got writers cramp for naught.