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01-04-2008, 12:31 PM

Ron Paul was Not Crushed in Iowa
Famous for misleading and exaggerated headlines, it isn’t surprising (yet still somehow aggravating) that Henry Blodget blogged on the caucus results like he did:

“No surprise, of course, but some vindication for our own Michael Learmonth, who caught hell’s full fury earlier for observing the obvious–that Iowa would be the beginning of the end for the president of the web.”

Keeping in mind that Ron Paul has had his picture next to the dictionary definition of “political outsider” his whole life and that the bulk of the coverage of Ron Paul outside the Alex Jones radio show has been how his supporters have gamed every single voluntary poll since the start of the campaign (and that he was predicted to come in dead last), the fact that he came in fifth is impressive.

He beat the original odds on favorite to win (not the caucus, but the nomination) Rudy Giuliani. At the moment, for the GOP, 1547 of 1781 precincts are reporting results, and Ron Paul has 10,184, whereas Rudy has 3,613. That’s pretty darn impressive, in my book.

Or, you could take it how Duncan Riley put it: “The 10% is a dec