View Full Version : FOCUS our energies on MI, SC, NV

01-04-2008, 11:48 AM
Everyone we need to get ahead of people and other campaigns right now in MI, SC, NV.

Donate as fast as possible and much as your can to the www.operationbroadcastfreedom.com challenges for production and air time.

Its our to win or ours to loose....

Lets put them on the defensive :eek: for a change and let our poll numbers shoot up!


01-04-2008, 11:50 AM
Also we need to put together a review of that iowa poll pre voting to see that huckabee and mccain's lies are working.

This has to be stopped cold turkey since illegal immigration and conservatives should not be voting for them if they no the whole truth.

The campaign cant tell the whole truth...we can for all the candidates...

01-04-2008, 11:51 AM
HQ will be putting out a HUGE PUSH OF TV ADS IN NV - so we are all good in this StaTE!!!!

01-04-2008, 11:53 AM
The RonPaulDVDBomb specifically targets MI,NV,SC. This is the most cost effective form of advertising. Voters have the DVD in their hands and can replay it at their convenience and share it.

I did my small part. Let's help them out, they don't need that much money. We could fund them for MI,NV,SC in as little as ONE HOUR compared to our last $6 Million money bomb.

Order Description: RonPaulDVDBomb.com MI,NV,SC
Total: $100.00 USD