View Full Version : Iowa was NOT a failure

01-04-2008, 08:50 AM
I see many people here upset, claiming loss in Iowa. I don't think Iowa was a loss at all. Not by a long shot. Let's face it, being an RP supporter is an uphill battle. The odds are very much against us. The MSM won't give our message the time of day. Other candidates laugh at us. And, we are fighting generations of conditioning causing us to need to remind everyone of a few truths that we hold self evident. And then, when people hear of those truths, they listen up. They are reminded of our roots. They are reminded of what it means to be American. They can then start to look at our modern state of politics and think... WTF? It is at that point that we have done our job well. Remember, Ron Paul's message, OUR message is not radical, nor new. It is simply that of following the US Constitution, that of listening to and remembering our forefathers.

And know that we HAVE done an awesome job. How can I justify this statement? We BEAT out Rudy. Think about that... Our message beat out Rudy! A HUGE name in the playing field. It was because of us and our hard work. People heard Rudy's message over and over via the media, and then they heard ours. We reminded 10% of Iowans of their roots, and they now too, feel as we do. Of the people that voted, our grassroots movement helped to inspire 10% of the voters in Iowa to vote as a constitutionalist. Wow I say! Remember, this is a state where the question is not "Do you go to church?", but "Which church do you go to?". They see their church leader as their guidance, the person they seek out for strength. WE were able to remind 10% of these people what it means to be American, and to vote for Ron Paul, rather than the church leader currently running, which is utterly impressive. At least 10% of the Iowans feel we should just come home from Iraq, we need to abolish the IRS and Fed, go back to the gold standard, and that the current people who represent us have changed our country into something we don't like. They understand the importance of both our foreign policy and our monetary policy.

Where do we go from here? As a few have mentioned, the next step is to engage people. Talk to them, spend time discussing the issues. It is really not that hard. Once they understand the self evident truths, then they apply the semantics. Telling people he voted against Rosa Parks getting a medal gets that look of "what??". Then once explained the REASON, people think - "oh wow... he is right!". Remind people of what the real role of government is. And then they will understand the message. They will see his ideas are not "kooky", but constitutional and just. That civil liberty is one of our most sacred rights. And that these rights are endowed to us by our creator. That it is WE who control the government, not the other way around. The Dr has cured my apathy for a reason. And he did nothing more than REMIND me of my American roots.

Go forth Ron Paul supporters! Hold your head up high, realize we did an awesome job, and are continuing to do an awesome job. We have something NO other candidate has behind them like RP has, proven desire and proven ambition. We put our money where our mouth is, now its time to walk the walk. They want the status quo, we say SCREW the status quo. I am sick and tired of all the rhetoric we must endure, speech after speech, commercial after commercial. If I see another empty promise, I am going to throw up, I won't fall for it dammit! And what will their rhetoric get us if they win? NOTHING.

Now on to New Hampshire! Let us remind our brothers and sisters of our fore fathers! And of our US Constitution!

01-04-2008, 09:01 AM
Yes, absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, You are Right!

Just think -- If the Ron Paul percentages are correct -- we could make an army of Iowans. Yes, we have almost 300,000 Contitutionalist in Iowa!!!

WoW! now all we have to do is get them to start promoting Ron Paul. Just think of the possibilities.:D
