View Full Version : Vote in Newts Poll

01-04-2008, 07:45 AM
h ttp://newt.org/Default.aspx

Newt is very influential among conservatives. Let him know that the real conservatives support Ron Paul for President.

01-04-2008, 07:46 AM
If you are in the States worry about getting out and knocking on doors. Let us internationals worry about the online polls. :)

01-04-2008, 07:51 AM
If you are in the States worry about getting out and knocking on doors. Let us internationals worry about the online polls. :)

Excellent idea. Now what can you do about that stupid AOL straw poll? That thing drives me nuts!

Oh, and thanks for all your support-Happy New Year!

01-04-2008, 07:51 AM
If you are in the States worry about getting out and knocking on doors. Let us internationals worry about the online polls. :)

This is for the long term. If he influential voices see that their readership responds to Ron Paul's message of freedom they will dedicate more time to our issues.

Imagine if Newt felt a chunk of his audience supported Ron Paul, he'd have a couple columns a year on the virtues of free trade, inflation, etc.

01-04-2008, 08:21 AM
You can vote in this and all the other active online polls here (http://ronpaulgw.googlepages.com/polls).

01-04-2008, 08:47 AM